Chapter 5

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"Can't I just make posters with everyone else?"

Lizzie finishes tying a bow into my hair and crosses her arms. "You asked for my help and I obliged. What I think you meant to say is thank you."

I thought that maybe getting more involved with the school would help people trust me, but I didn't expect that I would have to play cheerleader for a day.

I look at myself in the mirror. At the uniform covered in the blue and yellow colors of the Salvatore school. I'll be fine. It's just for a day.

I turn sideways to face Lizzie. "Aren't you supposed to be playing today?"

Lizzie smiles and walks over to her bed to pick up a pile of books, "Nope. I have to decide between monster or heart throb first."

I raise and eyebrow and she looks down at the top book in her hands. Almost every book looks aged and worn.

"There's this guy Sebastian, but he kind of just showed up, and it's super sketchy. If he's a monster I need to have the upper hand."

There can be a possibility of him being a monster. After finding out about Malivore and fighting the troll, something has to be going on.

We both look over when a knock comes from the door and MG pokes his head into the room.

"We have an emergency. Headmaster Vardemus wants Landon to play QB," he says frantically.

Lizzie nonchalantly lifts her shoulder in a shrug, "Cool."

I quietly stand up and make my way out of the room. It goes unnoticed with the conversation going on.

I start heading for my room. There's still another hour. I'm sure I can find something to do until then.

"Just the person I was looking for."

I pause at the sound of his voice. If he's looking for me it can't be about anything good. I turn around to face Headmaster Vardemus.

He walks over to me and leans on his cane. At first it's uncomfortable, since he doesn't say anything, but finally he speaks up.

"As headmaster it is my job to lookout for my students."

"Of course, but I don't see what that has to do with me."

I know exactly why it has to do with me. I won't admit that though. At least not to him.

A small smile appears on his face and he tilts his head. "When a student leaves the school grounds it makes my job even harder. Is there any good reason why you left Thea?"

I keep a neutral expression on my face. With all of his creepy talk about the rise of the supernatural, there's no way I'm telling him anything.

"I didn't leave. I was right outside of the gate."

"And what were you doing out there?"

"You should know. It's your job to lookout for your students and all," I say. My neutral expression becomes more defiant.

He sighs. My eyes look down at the movement of his fingers tapping against his cane.

After more uncomfortable silence I decide to respond to his question. "I was feeling overwhelmed and needed some air."

"I suppose that's reasonable," he pauses, "but from here on out, I'll be keeping an eye on you."
I look above me as a football soars through the air. It flies past the field and only stops when it shatters the glass of a school bus door. The door opens and the Mystic Falls team begins to step out.

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