After opening up about my parents death, our group had been fairly quiet. I suppose they didn't want to come across as rude or insensitive.

Being pitied made me uncomfortable. So I walked away and stood to watch a foal find it's feet.

"Rey" Theo spoke softly, placing a hand lightly on my shoulder. "Come with me"

He took my palm, leading me through the trees until we were out of sight, just the two of us.
I braced myself. Here comes the inevitable conversation about my parents. Questions. What happened to them? When did they die?

"I just wanted to have you to myself" Theo admits breaking our silence, shifting his weight from one leg to another. He had a cheeky look on his face. Like he was hoping for some action.


Not what I had expected.

"Why?" I ask.

He grins, taking a step forward. Licking his lips.

"Well... don't you remember what happened last time?"

Of course I remember.
His lips on mine. Our kiss.

I nod.

"Maybe we can continue..." he trails off. Looking down at my lips. 

I look back at his, my mouth curling into a smile which was enough encouragement for him to move in.

Theo placed a hand on each of my shoulders, eyes shut. His lips smash into mine, not like last time. It's more passionate. Hungrier.

I kiss him back, pulling away after a few seconds, but his head follows me. Going in for more.

"Theo" I speak practically into his mouth "What about-"

We kiss.

"What about the others. The lesson?"

"Fuck the lesson"

He goes in for another, but this time I stop him, turning my head away and looking back through the trees.

I was unsure how I felt about kissing Theo right now. I'd just confessed that my parents were dead and although the conversation about their deaths was something I dreaded, it felt crucial.
If he really liked me, surely he'd want to know more? Or at least check that I was ok.

"We can do this later" I decide " Come on" grabbing his hand, I drag him along as we sneak back to class.

"Whatever" he grunts in disappointment.

Turns out we weren't missing much. Most of the class were sitting around sifting through textbooks, or just standing around chatting. I make eye contact with Harry, Ron and Hermione as we walk towards our group. Apparently our absences hadn't gone completely unnoticed. I wasn't bothered, Hagrid wasn't the type to give out detentions.

The others were now perched on a large tree stump over in a shady patch, clearly having lost all interest in the Thestrals. I let go of Theo's hand as we join them.

"Where'd you two sneak off to!" Daphne teases.

"Nowhere Daph"

Theo shoves himself into the gap between Blaise and Malfoy, they all adjust to get comfy.

"Alright?" Blaise greets him.

I look towards Draco. He seems bored, sat watching a few Ravenclaw students mess around. I follow his gaze to find them attempting to create owl hoots and blowing through their fingers.

I'm sorry about your parents.

His voice chimes in my head. My eyes dart over to him to find he's looking back at me now. Maybe he could tell I was thinking about him?

I nod in acceptance, but he returns no emotion whatsoever.

Strangely, he had acknowledged my loss more than any of the others. Not even Daphne or Pansy had said anymore about it. I didn't mind, I'm well aware that some people struggle talking about death. It's just odd that Malfoy was the one to mention it, completely unprovoked too.

"Class dismissed" Hagrid booms from across the glade, dissolving my thoughts.

"Let's get out of here shall we?" Draco asks us all, although it was more of an order. He was already up and strolling away.

And everyone leaves.

I glance over to the Thestrals one last time before following shortly behind.

I wonder if Draco could see the Thestrals too?

Until Forever Ends | A Draco Malfoy love storyWhere stories live. Discover now