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Long ago Robotic Dragons and humans lived together in harmony until a group of humans who called themselves 'Dragon Hunters' attacked the dragons sadly anyone who was seen as friends with the Dragons was attacked and was either captured or killed.

The Dragons not wanting their human friends hurt decided to flee within a giant forest that only Dragons can navigate through without getting lost in it.

This story fallows Jaylen who is a Dragon Shifter a human who can turn into a Robotic Dragon along with him are the Terror Twins Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, and his unborn child or children who the Dragon Hunters are after.

Not only is Jaylen fighting to protect his unborn child or children he's also trying to figure out why he was sparked he never mated he's never had a mate since well because of what he is, his mate would've died of old age while he stayed the same age

Now Jaylen and the twins are trying the find the other Dragons before the Hunters find them and figured out Jaylen is bearing one or two of the most powerful beings ever existed in the whole universe

Read to figure it out

Btw the Terror Twins are younger than they're normally are so they're cubs who Jaylen saved from the Dragon Hunters that's where the story will start at

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