Chapter 9

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Theo POV:
"Leave my Cassie alone!" Marcus shouts, pulling out a knife from behind his back, Cassie tightening her grip on my hand in anger,which saves her from screaming. Her eyes looked blood shot as she turned them into red redemption, staring at Marcus in anger.

"I ain't your Cassie anymore" Cassie says calmly, not unused by the sharp knife that he had in his hand. I let go of her hand slightly and walk slowly to Marcus, who pointed the knife towards me instantly." She is no one's property, now put the knife down!"

"Why would I listen to Riddle! Since you showed up I knew you were gonna fuck things up!" Marcus shouts, Cassie jumping up from her seat,running over to punch Marcus right in the nose, sending blood poring out like a tap. I laughed, making Cassie smile. She kissed me on the cheek and whispered" I like you to Riddle".

"It's not my fault I am good looking" I shout, pointing my wand towards Marcus throat, making him point the knife closer at me. Closer to the knifes edge, I punched him over and over till he hit the ground. Cassie looked perfect as she sipped water, totally unfazed about what was unfolding. Without hesitation, I scoop her up in my arms, making her laugh and kiss her, cementing our relationship. Cassie walked over at Marcus, a threw the glass of water in his face, making her laugh loudly.

"As you can see, I am no longer yours. I don't belong to anyone ether. Be careful, or I will set my brothers on you"she said, punching him again, making him rage." YOUR BROTHER IS DEAD YOU LITTLE CUNT!" He screamed, making Cassie punch him again." Brother dearest, come out and play".

Cassie POV:
Fred, George and Ron rushed in like the wind, mother watching on outside of the door. I am walk behind Theo and kiss him repeatedly, pissing off Marcus again and again. My brothers cheered and congratulated us before returning to silence Marcus. Marcus soon fucked off, running to his dorm to tell someone about what happened. Dray, Pansy and Blaise walk in to see me and Theo hold hands, making them smirk.

"Are the rumours true"I ask Pansy, making her smile and grab the hand of Blaise." We have been for a while now" Pansy says, running over and hugging me gently." And can I say something?" Blaise says, dropping down to one knee and pulling out a ring box, Pansy gasping with emotion and delight.

"Pansy Morgana Parkinson, will you marry me?" He asks, Pansy nodding her head, followed by the cheers of Theo and my family. A wedding during the summer is going to be so much fun!

"Congratulations" Mother said, hugging Pansy tightly." Thanks Molly, I have always adored you" she says, making my mother smile." You also dated Blake, in my eyes your family, and always will be", making Fred smile bright.

"Theo, treat my sister right will ya?" Fred and Ron ask, making Theo laugh. "Until the very end" he says, shaking there hands. I finally felt as if I could live my life happy again.

Some time later....
"I can't believe everything" I say, my hand on Theo's chest, hearing his laugh made me laugh." I can't wait for this wacky adventure" he says, making me nod my head.
"Knock knock" Luna says, making me smile as she walks in with my brother Charlie. I didn't take me long to realise form Charlie's expression that they were an item, making me and Theo congratulate then (( in this context Charlie is 18)).

"I see you know my sister" Charlie says to a stunned Luna, who put her hand over her mouth." Sister!?" She asks, making Charlie chuckle." Yes, a very long story for another day sweetie".

"Where is the wedding being held?" I asked Charlie, knowing full well The Burrow was the best for weddings." We all know it will be at home" Charlie says, making me tear up with joy." Yes, at home".

I had finally got the boy of my dreams, found out my real family and my best friends are getting married.what more could I bargain for huh?

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