Chapter Three

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After filling their stomachs full of delicious food, the Slytherins walked to their common room in the dungeon, which was neighbours to Hufflepuff just down the corridor, which made it easier for the people who went to party's to get back, just in case they were drunk. Theo stared in ore as he walked through the Slytherin common room, which was emerald green with shades of black. No one was tired,and they sat around in their little groups, with Bliase, Cassie, Crab,Goyle,Draco,Pansy,Marcus and Theo sitting on the couches by the entrance.

  "I wonder what my dorm will be like this year" Cassie says, placing her feet on the coffee table that no one ever used." Last year it was mouldy" She says, looking to her friends." Hopefully we all get decent dorms" Marcus says, making everyone agree in delight." I just need room for everything" Pansy says, making Marcus laugh." I mean you ain't wrong, we need room to have our own rave" this makes Cassie laugh, Draco joining in.

"So true!" Draco says,spilling his drink over a little while. "I mean, I have to hang my outfit on my wardrobe for the party tomorrow" continues, mopping up the mess he had made." I wanna wear that dress Blaise got me" Pansy says winking at Blaise. "You need to start dating I swear" Cassie says, making Blaise and Pansy give her a death stare. Ever since last year, hints showed that they were going to be more then friends, and Cassie was going to make that achievable.

"Marcus, sort out the music for the party tomorrow will you?" Pansy asks Marcus who was busy looking at the quidditch timetable. He looked up and gave a nod before going back to his reading and sighing." First match is against Ravenclaw" he says, making Cassie feel excited. She recently joined the team as a chaser, but she can play in many roles such as seeker and keeper." Great, can't wait to start training" Blaise and Cassie say in unison, making Theo laugh. "Any spots left on the team?" He asks, Blaise turning to him instantly.

"We need another chaser" Marcus says returning back to his seat."Tryouts will be held next week so make sure you attend" he finishes off before walking to his dorm."We might as well see what dorms we have" Pansy says, running up the stairs to see all the dorms, which looked over the common room."Dray, we're sharing a room!" Blaise shouts excitingly, running into their room to find double beds and a tone of emerald green furnishings." I found mine and crabs!" Goyle shouted as they run down the corridor to there dorm." My dorm is next to yours Cassie! Pansy squeals as she runs Inside, leaving Cassie, Theo and Marcus outside, looking for their dorms impatiently.

"Mine is next to Dracos" Marcus says as he heads inside his own dorm room and locks the door shut behind him." Look, we're neighbours!" Cassie says to Theo happily, grabbing the key to her dorm." I will see you in the morning" she says as she walks into her dorm room and closes the door shut. She was stunned to see it more posher then last year: a double bed in the middle of the massive room, the Slytherin crest embalmed above it, a desk by the window that showed a little of the lake, her own bathroom and honey suckle hanging from the windows, reminding her of home. She unpacked her stuff and placed her quidditch robes in her closet along with everything else and hung up photos above her bed, with tea lights hanging above her desk. Her quidditch posters were bright but stood out form the dark green colours of the room.

Cassie changed into her pyjamas and climbed into the warmth of the double bed. She heard music come from Pansys room, which was her way to get to sleep. Cassie fell asleep almost suddenly after her head hit the pillow. However she was woken up to the knocking of her door, which made her get up quickly.

"What are you doing here?"Cassie asks the person at the door whilst checking the time. It was 4 minutes past midnight, a time where you should not really be up.
"I could not sleep" the person behind the door says, making Cassie smile a little bit.

"Don't just stand there come in!"

No surprises that it's Theo, Cassie thinks  to herself as she closed the door back up for the night.

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