Chapter Five

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(I decided to change angles of the story by adding points of views to make the story more interesting :))

Cassie POV:
The next evening, I looked up and down in the mirror, studying myself in the dress that I selected for the party. It was green, which was typical to wear on a Slytherin party night. "Cass, you ready?" Pansy asks me, waking into the room and looked stunned to see what I was wearing. Pansy was wearing the red dress Blaise brought her, which made her look like Bella Goth, especially with her black hair worn down." Pansy you look amazing" I say, hugging her tightly, only to see her gorgeous smile back at me." Ced is already here" she says and walks out of the room, followed closely by myself.

I walked into the common room, going straight over to were the drinks were, which Cedric helped Draco run

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I walked into the common room, going straight over to were the drinks were, which Cedric helped Draco run. An odd paring, but yet so brilliant. I saw Theo sit in the corner, where nobody else could see. I decide to head over,a glass of fire whisky in hand, and when he saw me, he gave me a massive smile, in which I returned straight away.

"You look stunning" he says adorably,making me smirk."You don't look bad yourself Theo" I say, making him laugh. He gently pulled me onto his lap,which made me laugh quietly, so only he could hear.

Theo's POV:
She has not been the same since Marcus dated her,I hear the words that Blaise said to be earlier swim up in my brain. Marcus used to control her, stopped her from speaking to Cedric all together, called her best friend Luna Lovegood a freak, which made her punch him right in the face, much to his dismay. Marcus never treated Cassie right yet she is considering a reunion with him, to shut him up. As she is sitting on my lap, in the corner where no one would see, I look at her in ore of her beauty, because she is so god damn beautiful.

"Marcus is trying to find me" Cassie sighs, drinking some fire whisky from her goblet. "You know smoking kills Riddle?" She laughs as she saw me smoking a cigarette. She grabs it and takes a puff out of it, making me laugh. Blaise noticed were we are and he smiled at me as he walked over to Pansy, ready to make his awaited move on her." I know someone who could treat you better" I say, making Cassie look confused, but she laughed brightly, which always made my day." If it's Marcus you can piss off" she says seriously, making me lose my smile and laugh."It's not I swear" I say, making the smile come back on her face. She looked so perfect in her green dress, it makes her hair stand out.

"I don't wanna know who it is, hide me!"She shouts loudly, making me hide her behind the darkness's of the corner, just as Marcus came strutting over, looking drunk as ever. "Theo, you seen the gorgeous Miss Morgan anywhere, i fucking love her" he says, nearly making me joke on my cigarette." Her name is Cassie and no you dumb shit I haven't seen her, and besides she is worth better then you" I say, making him clench his fist. He was drunk all right, as he punched me on the nose, making it bleed. I punch him back, even harder, which made Cassie laugh very loudly." Oi you cunt, I don't love you, your a waste of space" she says, spitting on him." And I am sober, not drunk unlike some people, you treat girls as if there are toys, and you can stay away from me, I only wanna see you for training and that's it!" Cassie shouts, Marcus walking away fast to get Draco, who dropkicks him across a table, making everyone laugh.

"That's what you get form messing with our best friend!" Draco, Blaise and Pansy shouted in unison, being joined by Cassie and myself. That was when I became best friends with the group.

"Marcus embarrassed himself big time" Adrian says to Blaise, who snorts with laughter. "I want him removed from the team" he says, making Adrian agree instantly." Oi you tosser get here!" Marcus shouts at Cassie, dragging her up the stairs, crying her eyes out.

Cassie POV:
"Marcus your a foul" i sob, everyone looking in shock. Blaise grabs Theo and together they rush towards me, Blaise getting me to safety whilst Theo along with Pansy beat the shit out of Marcus. No mercy I think to myself as everyone came over and made sure I was ok, especially Cedric and Fred, George going over to get rid of Marcus. Theo comes rushing over to me and I hug him tight, so tight as if I did not want to let go of him. I allow him to carry me to my dorm, whilst Pansy shouts"Party's over thanks to this wanker".

"By the way, your safe with me" Theo sings in my ear, making me laugh through my tears as he carries me up to my dorm. I hear everyone clearing everything away but as soon as we arrived to my dorm, I see Fred and George waiting for us." Fred, George" I say slowly as I get placed onto my comfy bed, whilst the boys sat around me." Pansy invited us" Fred says, making me smile." I hope Marcus gets kicked out of his position on the quidditch team" George says, making Theo agree." I agree with ya".

"WHERE IS SHE!" I hear Marcus scream, making more tears run down my face. Cedric walked into the room quickly, to avoid Marcus following him. He took one look at me and came over and hugged me, making sure I was fine. "I can't stay for long, i have some practise" he says, making me just smile as a reply. "Theo is looking after me so don't worry" I say, mumbling the words a little.

The night that I wanted some fun turned so sour, leaving me in a unfit condition...

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