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Somehow, I had reached the end of the year. I had just written my final exam and I was done with high school, but there was one stop I had to make before I left. I walked the final steps to Mr Falcon's classroom and as I entered the classroom took one final look at the man who had saved my life. I can't say he looked any different, to me he still looked perfect. Did I still love him? I think I always would.

"Need some help?" I asked casually.

"Hey," he said with that perfect smile. "So, you're finally done. Are you ready to take on the world?"

I laughed and sighed, "I think I've taken on enough of the world, but I hear you're ready to take on more of it." He blushed and I couldn't help smiling at him.

"Well I've got a chance of doing some stage acting." My smile broadened.

"That's always been your dream," I stated, "but I'm pretty sure you're glad to get out of this place anyway."

"I'm glad to get away from some parts of it," he said with a shy smile and for a moment we just looked at each other. "But," he continued, "it will definitely help my temper." We both laughed at that and then it was time for me to go. I said goodbye and walked out of his classroom for the last time and for the first time in a long time I felt as though I was in control.

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