「Our First Date~」

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「Kumagawa Speech Patterns」
*In this Bright & Sunny day of New York, we see a young adult man in a red & blue spandex swinging around the big lovely City, with some type of web like substance shooting out of his wrist, this was everyone's 'Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man', a public Hero who would rescue innocents, fight the dastardly, and constantly risk his life for everyone in the entire world, not because of fame, not because of greed, and definitely not for 'Love', no, he did it because he wanted to and it was the right thing to do, which made him the greatest Superhero in today's generation, a fact that no one can deny, no matter who they are*

"Yes Aunt May, I got the groceries, I didn't forget."
*While the 'World's Greatest Hero Spider-Man' was shooting his <Web> and swinging around the City, we see him in the middle of talking to someone in built in phone in his mask while carrying a bag of food in his free hand*

"No Aunt May, I'm not fighting any criminals today, it's an off day for everyone, since it's close to the holidays."
*Spider-Man tries to reassure his Aunt, letting her know that he'll make it*

"Sure, I'll call a few of my friends over, I'm sure they'll love absolutely love your cooking~"
*Spider-Man chuckles, as he admires and appreciate the kindness of his Aunt*

"Ughhhhh, Aunt Maaaaay, please don't do that, especially if Mary Jane comes over..."
*Spider-Man couldn't help but wear a embarrassed expression, which didn't help when he heard her teasing giggles*

"Thank you, I'll be sure to come home as fast as I can, I promise, bye."
*And with that, Spider-Man hanged up and continue to focus on his swings and where to aim his <Webs> next*

'I wonder if I should propose to Mary Jane yet, we have been dating for over a little of 2 or 3 years, not to mention we've been through so much together, both as a normal couple and hero stuff, it would be wrong for me to think anything less of her, but does that mean I'm ready for commitment?...'
*Spider-Man thought very deeply about all of this, and the many Pros & Cons it will bring, but after a few moments of thinking it over, he finally made his choice*

'I am ready, tonight, I will go down on one knee and ask her hand in marriage, she deserves the best and I will give her the best.'
*Spider-Man wore a very determined and motivated expression, no doubt he was committed to the choice he has just made*

'And I will accept any responsibility and consequences that come my way for such a choice.'
*Unfortunately, after making such a commitment and promise, Spider-Man's <Spidey Sense> went off, which made him tense up and look around in alertness and confusion, sadly though, he couldn't figure out the danger in time, as a large '<Screw>' came flying by and cut the webs instantly, which shock him as he had no time to respond to this sudden surprise attack, he quickly started falling from the sky, hitting a few walls and metal bars before slamming down onto the floor, he lets out a pain fill groan, his vision begin to grow blurry and was about to lose consciousness, though before he could, he saw two pair of feet stood in front of him, and a unfamiliar voice saying the weirdest thing ever*

"「Have you ever played 'Janga'?~」"
*That was all Spider-Man heard before everything went black... After a while, he was suddenly woken up by another unfamiliar voice speaking and some strange movement he felt on his body, he quickly opens his eyes and what he saw immediately confused him*

"What makes you think that playing Janga with Spider-Man standing on top of it would make for a great first date?"
*Anshin'in-San could not help but question her Minus, as she expertly takes out another block from the tower, which was under the feet of the Hero*

"「Come on Anshin'in-San, this is our first time we've ever dated before, we need to take things slowly and work our way up!」"
*Kumagawa lets out a innocent pout, before it quickly turns into a evil smirk as he reached over and grabbed a random block*

"「Besides, you gotta admit that having this 'Hero' be at the mercy of this childish games is very interesting and funny~...」"
*Once Kumagawa sloppily remove a block from the tower, it started to shake and move around, which made the one in Red & Blue Spandex nearly fall over, but once he regained his balance, he immediately noticed a few things that slowly filled him with fear and dread*

"I won't deny that seeing him in this predicament is very new and amusing~"
*As Anshin'in-San continues to removed the next block, the first thing that Spider-Man noticed was that his mouth was completely covered by his own <Webs>, so he couldn't scream or call for help*

"「Thank you, I'm trying my very best to please you~」"
*The Bug Theme Person tried to reach out and stop Kumagawa for pulling out the next block or attempt to remove the web on his mouth, but when he did, he immediately noticed the 2nd thing that made him go wide eyes, which both of his arms were completely missing, as if they been cut off all the way up to his shoulder*

"Well don't try to hard, I'm more into someone who doesn't try and please me every single day~"
*Anshin'in-San then purposely made a mistake when taking out the next block, which made the Friendly Neighborhood Hero nearly fall over and quickly realized the last and most horrifying fact, which was the <Web> tightly tied around his neck, like some messed up noose, which was only long enough to not choke him when standing on the nearly falling apart tower*

"「I'm a Minus, I know when something won't work when trying to achieve victory~」"
*Kumagawa remove another block, the Armless Man quickly looks around and try to find any way to save himself and escape from this*

"And what are you trying to achieve, Kumagawa-Kun?~"
*Anshin'in-San wore a teasing smile as she takes out another block, Spider-Man tries to muffle yell at them, begging to not be killed and to be spared from this sick game*

"「Well, besides the obvious goal of winning your heart?」"
*Kumagawa wore a very eager and insane smile, as he reached over and grabbed another block, the one in Red & Blue Spandex look at him with begging and tears filled eyes*

"Just to have the much fun I can have with you~"
*Once Kumagawa said this, he took out the final block that made the tower fall apart and made the Hero drop, resulting in the noose tightening up and started choking the life out of him, he tried to reach for the string and snap it off his neck, but without his arms and having no proper way to grab with his feet, he was just left there hang and slowly lose his ability to breathe, flash of memories of everything and everyone he came to know and love filled his head, as he slowly realized that he will most likely not be able to do or see them again, his final moments were filled with regrets, sadness and despair, before letting out his final breath and just hang there in a unmoving and limpless fashion, all the while the two that did this to him watch with either curiosity and amusement expression*

"Oof, I almost feel bad for Peter... So! How are we gonna continue this amazing Date we're having so far?~"
*Anshin'in-San looked at Misogi with now a very interested and excited smile, Kumagawa just let out a hum and tap his chin, thinking of the next activity they could do*

"「Hey, have you ever played with a 'Frisbee' before?~」"
BTW, expect very cruel and creative Death, hehe~
(Also, since Ajimu Najimi is with Kumagawa, he now has all the knowledge and information of the Marvel Characters that exists in that world, so keep that in mind if he knows someone name or ability)

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