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      Here lies a park, very busy with a bunch of people comeing every day. Bosip hated it. He was the type of person to not socialize in most activities that include people. There was a glimpse of hope for the lonely man. A bench far away. A place no one rarely comes to. It was quite far but it was worth it, just to have peace and quiet.

      Bosip sat down on the empty bench, observing the peaceful scenery. A small pond with little fish was across from him. The trees rustiling in the wind was perfect for reading a book. So, he pulled out a book and started to read. Bosip would usually do this as a calming technique for when he was stressed, or if he just wanted to read.

      He continued reading for a good five minutes straight until he heard footsteps get louder and louder, as if someone was approaching him. Bosip didn't mind though, as he thought it was someone walking. Then it stopped. The male was relieved, but he heard another sound. The sound of someone sitting down. The person was humming quite loudly, which irritated Bosip.

      It was then silent for a second, then he heard a voice. "Hello !" Bosip already knew that this person was going to be a trouble getting to shut up as he could tell by his voice. The yellow haired man sighed. "Hello there." He said quietly. Bosip looked from his book and saw a blue haired male. "What's your name?" Bosip looked at the other. "Why do you need to know?"

      "To get to know you of course. If you don't want to go first, i'll go. Im Bob. Now it's your turn." Bosip didn't want to say his name to a starnger but it's like he's never gonna see him again. "Fine." He sighed."Im Bosip." Bob smiled softly which made the other blush a bit. Luckily, Bob didn't see.

    Why was he slowly falling for someone he just met ?

      Bosip has always questioned his sexuality. He was confused. Did he like men or women ? Maybe both ? He has always felt an attraction to men more than women. Bosip snapped out of his heavy thinking, going back to reading. The other male on the bench looked at the ground, mad for some reason.

    Was it because Bosip went back to reading right after introducing themselves ? Who knows, but why would he care about someone like Bosip. Bosip finally closed his book, Bob mad. He decided it'll be good to talk to someone since he was shy and it was probably the last time he cold get to make a friend, so he took it.

      Later on, the two became best friends. Sunny, rainy, or snowy, the two were always at the bench. They would usually talk about stuff that happens when they don't see each other, life, or things that don't matter in this story. Bosip hasn't felt this way in years. He actually felt happy for once. (#brocken)

      Then a very special day would come for the two. A day they will never forget. Bob has grown feelings for the other and vice versa. Today he was going to confess his feelings, hoping the other would feel the same. It was a cloudy, snowy day as Bosio shivered, waiting for Bob. He left a message saying to meet him there. Although, but he didn't know why.

      Bosip then saw him. "H-Hey." Bob sat down. He seemed to be blushing, but Bosip didn't know. "Hey." Bosip laughed nervously, still shivering. "Look, im just going straight into it" Before Bosip could say anything, Bob spoke again. "I like you a whole ton. Like, like like. I fell for you when i first saw you. I hope you feel the same. "

    Bosip blushed heavily, staring at the blue haired male. Bob looked down, nervous about what he was going to say. "I-I like you too Bob. I just didn't know you felt the same. . ." Bob looked back up. "R-Really !?" The other nodded. Bob smiled, crying tears of joy as he hugged Bosip. " I love you. " Bosip hugged back. "I love you too."

(ok so i know this took a long time but that was cuz i took a break on this account lmao. i have nothing else to say but i just hope you enjoyed this story and thank you for all the support <3)

bob x bosip oneshots (DISCONTINUED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora