Capture run

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The light outside started to shine again slowly, it has been quiet for a while. As some machine started, the smell of coffee was in the air, tickling Koro's nose and waking him up. Slowly sitting straight and rubbing his eyes he turned around and passed the corner, seeing someone familiar.

Jeremy: Morning sleepy head.

Koro: Morning...

Jeremy: Want some coffee?

Koro: "Sure... why not... can't be that bad like the one I once tried back then..."

Jeremy put the cup and a a few sandwiches on the table as Koro sat there and began taking a sip.

Jeremy: And?

Koro: ... got some milk or sugar? I don't really enjoy strong coffee mornings... only on evenings...

Jeremy: There you go.

Koro: Thanks...

Pouring as much milk as he thinks is ok, he enjoyed his breakfast while having some questions in his mind.

Koro: Question... What are we doing today?

Jeremy: Well... We wait for Albert first. He should be here any mome-"l

As he spoke the door was knocking. Going to the door and opening it, Albert stood there.

Albert: May I enter.

Jeremy: Of course.

Albert entered and seeing Koro still sipping his coffee in the same clothes he had.

Albert: Well then. How did you slept?

Koro: Eh... I guess fine. Nothing special happened.

Albert: Alright. So did you plan anything today Jeremy?

Jeremy: Well I was thinking of getting him some new clothes and an ID if they are checking him.

Albert: Prepared for everything I see?

Jeremy: Who else would I be?

Koro: Idk. Some random chill dude?

Albert could just snicker from that statement as for Jeremy looked a bit annoyed. Finally finishing his cup and standing up to grab his bag and putting on the punk whites he had.

Albert: Alright. I'll follow you two for a while, because I need to go back to the lab.

Jeremy: Alright. Koro, we first need to get you an ID to prove that you are a resident of the underground and can get past the security checks here.

Koro: Got that.

Time passes after they left the base and went inside the capital. It wasn't very inviting, yet had a few things like some shops and restaurants. Going into an alley, a wall with a pin code was hidden by some paint and cloth that made it look realistic. After Albert input some code, the wall slowly moved and made an entrance. After entering it the wall closed and the lights slowly turned on. Koro followed Jeremy to a room with green walls.

Jeremy: Alright. First we need a picture of you.

Simply nodding and sitting on the chair and taking of the hat, he got told to look serious. But rather giving an emotionless expression then a serious one works out as well.

Jeremy: Alright. Now we need to hack the data bank and make a profile for you and print the card.

Albert: It won't be that easy as you think it is. They put up the security to lv 8 already.

Jeremy: I know.. Koro. Can you look at the time for me so long?

Koro: Sure.

Sitting and rolling to a pc, Jeremy started to get inside the data bank.

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