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"You're almost to me, right?"

"Yeah, I'm uh...I'm getting there." John panted out.

As John tried his best to dig his daughter out, Penny sat with her sleeping Mom, making sure she was okay, and Ali sat with her little brother, trying to reassure him everything was going to be alright.

"Judy will be fine Will. She's strong." Ali stated as her little brother filled a bottle with water.

Will didn't say anything, he just nodded as another explosion went off in the distance. Making his way over to his Dad, he sat down offering him some water.

John noticed the look his son was giving him. "What is it?"

"The white fire. I figured out what it is." Will replied excited.

"I don't have time for this."

"I mean when we crashed, we must have scraped open a pure vein of it." Will continued.

"Vein of what?"

"Magnesium." Will stated as John stoped his movements. "Magnesium burns hot. But you know what makes it burn hotter? Ice."

Ali felt a smile creeping onto her face. Her brother may have just saved the day.

"Judy, I gotta go get something."

"You're leaving?"

"It'll help get you out. I'll be back." John said making his way over towards Maureen and Penny. "You're gonna have to hold down the fort."

"It's actually more of a tent, but-"

"You'll be fine. Just radio me if you anything goes wrong." He said grabbing his bag. "Will, you coming? You too Ali."


Ali rubbed Will's back out of instinct, something she used to do when they were younger.

"Yeah, it's your idea. And I don't know what I'm looking for. Come on."

"Penny, let me know if anything happens, okay?" Ali said standing in front of her sister. "I know Dad said it too, but I'm here. I love you."

"I will. Love you too Ali." Penny hugged her sister tight.

"I'll see you later, okay?" John questioned his daughter.

Penny didn't respond. All she did was move straight from her sister to her father.

John was slightly stunned. He didn't expect it to be completely honest. All he did was kind of just stand there. Ali rolled her eyes at this. He couldn't just hug her back?

Making there way towards the top of small hill she smiled at her sister. This was definitely gonna be interesting.


After a rather long walk, not that Ali was complaining, they finally made it to the magnesium.

"What're we looking for?" John asked his son.

"It's that greyish stuff there." Will pointed. "That what it looks like before it ignites."

"Hey, I'm, uh...I'm not gonna blow us up, am I?"

"Not unless you make a spark."


"Nice job Will." Ali said ruffling her brother's hair.

Will smiled at his sister and tried to fix the mess she made.

"How long have we been gone?"

"Judy's got plenty of time." John responded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2022 ⏰

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