Chapter 1: Going Home

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It was a typical day at the airport, the Fantastic Four were called to an emergency overseas. Johnny had Y/N come with them since they haven't been able to spend time together lately, he's been busy being a hero as she's just been working in her store and busy helping Sue with her wedding (again) and also Brad with his. Any chance of free time the couple got they took it, even if it was just a moment to talk as they passed each other in the hallway they made it last.

-- At the Airport --

The group had arrived at the airport waiting to board the plane home. Sue and Reed were talking amongst themselves, Ben was entertaining kids and taking photos, Johnny was also doing some autographs and taking photos as Y/N was sitting down putting a scrapbook together from this trip. Reed and Sue soon noticed airports being closed and flights grounded due to weather changes rapidly and some cosmic change. Y/N was listening then glanced over seeing some women get a little too handsy with Johnny.. She got annoyed then went back to taping a photo she took of Johnny down on the page as she felt a kiss on her shoulder.

"Hi Pidge" Johnny looked down at her smiling and looked at what she was doing "This looks amazing love."

"Thank you" she smiled big looking up at him then at the women giving her dirty looks, she quickly got uncomfortable and looked down.

Johnny quickly noticed her get uncomfortable and looked up seeing the girls who were giving Y/N shit. They were pointing and laughing at her, along with saying things about what she was wearing and who knows what else.

"Hey security, I want those and actually all these girls gone." Everyone heard him and got upset trying to defend themselves "I don't want to hear a thing; you guys are treating my girlfriend like shit right now and I'm not allowing that." Y/N smiled at Johnny sticking up for her. "Goodbye, my girl and I are a package deal. If you're rude to her then you're rude to me." He turned and sat down next to Y/N holding her close and kissed her forehead and helped her work on the scrapbook.

The news on the T.V. mentioned Sue's and Reed's wedding which left Sue debating on postponing it for the 4th time. Reed soon assured Sue that nothing will postpone their wedding and also got a stare from Y/N. The stress she went through postponing the last 3 was horrible and was not going through that again.

"This is going to be the wedding you've always dreamed of and I'm not going to let anything get in the way of that." Reed looked at Sue. "Not even the mysterious transformation of matter at the subatomic level."

"That's the most romantic thing you've ever said to me."

They kissed and as romantic as it was, Johnny of course had to chime in.

"Which is pretty pathetic when you think about it..." Y/N flicked his ear as he groaned from the pain as the girls laughed.


They soon boarded the plane; Reed had to switch everyone to the coach seats because the flight was overbooked but everyone made do. Ben found his seat which was sadly in the middle, Y/N quickly took a photo of him and laughed as Ben stared at her angrily. She took her seat next to the window putting her bag in front of her.

"What I'm saying is, what if we got a sponsorship from an airline?" Johnny leaned on the seat in front of Sue and Reed to talk to them.

"I think we and you have enough sponsorships, and plus shouldn't you be trying to spend more time with a certain someone?" she glanced over to Y/N who had her headphones on while listening to some music "Remember it's not all about the sponsorships and money Johnny."

Johnny nodded agreeing with his sister. He was getting ready to say goodbye to everyone as he tells them he doesn't fly coach and Y/N knew which she was ok with. As Johnny went to leave to go outside and fly flame style, he saw a cute guy talking and flirting with Y/N. She didn't know he was, she just thought he was being nice, but Johnny could see right through him. He dashed over, leaning in front of her shaking the guy's hand.

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