"Are you sure, I mean I could just stay with Chim or-

She cut in "look you don't have to, it's just an offer; one you can refuse"

"Thanks T, I appreciate it"

Kate opened the paper bag, she inhaled the warm scent of fresh baked goods

"Fresh croissants, I love them"

Kate took one from the bag, biting into she let a satisfied moan escape her lips

"Baked goods make everything better" Buck joked


Kate stood beside Buck as the crew all looked at the girl with her head jammed into a tailpipe, at first they were all confused but after seeing the side of the pipe it made sense.

Kate was utterly dumbfounded, and not because it was something she wasn't expecting but because for the first time since she joined the 118 she actually had experience with it

Drunken young adults all crowded around them, all enjoying the show the woman was giving, Kate glanced around at the group of people

"Alright can you give us room please" she shooed them a few feet away

"Hi, what's her name?" Chimney asked


"Jennifer" the girl corrected, her voice muffled.

"Sorry, I thought you meant my truck." He apologized

"This is your truck?"

"Yeah, but it's not like I backed into her. She did this out of her own free will"

"You dared her to." Her friend exclaimed

"We were flirting." He defended

"Your idea of flirting with a girl is daring her to stick her head in your tailpipe?" Eddie restated

Kate shook her head, secretly judging the drunk guy "maybe next time just you suggest something a little less dangerous, or stupid" Kate suggested

"Hi, Jennifer. LAFD. -How you feeling?" Chimney asked

"Uh, pretty good, actually. Except for this whole, you know, ginormous tailpipe on my head."

"Kate will you start measuring?" Hen asked

Kate nodded and kneeled on the ground, she took out the tape and started measuring the side of the pipe. Whilst she did that, Hen check the girls pulse.

Kate marked out where had to be cut, she stood back up and dusted off her knees.

"Where'd she get these bruises on her arm?" Bobby asked

"That wasn't me."

"It's from the bull. She rode it, like, five times." Her friend answered

"There's no way we're gonna get a collar on her." Hen shook her head

"Get me out of this thing." Jennifer cried

"Jennifer just try and stay calm, we are working as fast we can" Kate tried to calm her

"These things are meant to increase -the power to the engine." Buck said

"Yup. TSA 230 saw should do the job."

"Oh, yeah, like a knife through butter"

Kate had felt her phone in her pocket, it was at least the third time someone had tried to call her. A part of her was worried it was an emergency.

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