Chapter 4

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"Arnavji who house it is?"
" Jaan come let's go to the living room I will tell you everything"
Arnav made Khushi seat on a chair and said:
"Khushi you already know that I'm a orphan . My mother and father Arvind and Ratna Mallik lost their lives the day of Anjali Di marriage . Yes Khushi Arvind Mallik had numerous affairs and that day one of his mistress came to our home and Ma'a witness all thier conversation confronted Arvind and unable to face the betrayal of her husband she had shoot herself infront of him and"
Khushi gasped had the image of a child witness that horrible action.
" I was just fourteen that time and I don't remember clearly what really happened in the study room of Arvind Mallik . It is just that I can only remember clearly that I opened my eyes two after that accident and I was in trauma and just because of the presence , love and care that shows mumma on me that time"

" But arnavji you said that Ratna Ma'a had committed suicide then how she could have helped you?"

" No Khushi let me told something , you will think that I'm ungrateful or strange but I always love Ratna Ma'a but not like I love my Amarya mumma . Baby , she was the own who had taken care of me when I was born
She feels me with her milk , educated me , told me the difference between right and wrong . You know Khushi her husband my Daddy his really a father figure in my life I always feel like they are my real parents . Initially mummy used to work at our home like a servant thought the house where she had lived who very comfortable and class for a maiden . I used to spend more of my time with mummy which made Ratna Ma'a furious and the fact that I never called her mumma increase her hatres for mumma . Also my Daddy came to home every two times in a month . When I was six my father decided to take me to an internat which was for they children of most rich people of Mumbai . But the next day of my arrival in Mumbai mummy along with daddy came to my internat take me to live with them . I loved eight years with them and their family and came to Lucknow only during few vacation or happy events . Whenever Ratna Ma'a would came to meet me the director of my school would inform mumma or daddy and they will take me to that place. After the visit of Ma'a I will again live with mummy. So when I had the trauma , I was not eating , speaking,or crying I just have nightmares every time I would close my eyes . When we came to live with Raizada Ma'a is family after the brother of my father throw me and Di out of our house , Raizada put me in hospital and for that mummy and all her family visit me every day and with that I came out of trauma. Two months after that I tell to Ma'a family that I had a scholarship which will give me opportunity to study abroad . All were sad thinking that I will leave them and also about the fees of the trip . But I reassured them and told that all the fees had been paid by a company who promote education . In reality I had really a scholarship at Harvard but I got there with mummy and daddy family and live with them . That's why I tell you Khushi and want you to know my real family by heart. "

Khushi was shocked and confuse with the revelation arnav told her . It's certainly something strange with the behaviour of "arnav parents " but she will ask him another time.
" Arnavji I think I understand and it minds that it's her house na?"
" No Khushi this house is our: me and you house . The place that will be our sweet paradise ."
" Arnavji it's beautiful but it is so big for us "
" I know Jaan if you like we will live here with my family and moreover with our babies . What say Khushi we should take that duty very seriously .

Arnav lift Khushi in his arm and when with her in their room to consume the passion of the

Thanks to all the people who support this story and stay happy always 😘😘

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