Talia nodded again and they walked out together. They chatted down the halls about the days ahead, Nesta told her that Cassian said they had found the autumn court men the night before and successfully sent a message. Talia knew what she meant and shuddered.
Talia asked if they were back now and Nesta told her they had left again that morning but her mate hadn't said why. So Azriel had left then, too early to squeeze in a goodbye, off to do a job he had been successful at for centuries but still a tiny pit of worry grew in her middle.
She didn't want him gone. Flirtations and soft eyes and forehead kisses aside, she wanted him there where she was. An emptiness grew in her. Was it the same she had felt in the high lord when she arrived? A hopelessness? She chose not to dwell on it as they entered the large library, waving to Clotho and hunting down their priestess.
Talia could feel worry in Gwyn as she looked the healer over. She was rushing about in the stacks but stopped to hug them both and make sure all was well. Talia returned to her room to rest after lunch, her heart heavy with the kindness of the females. She pondered again what Rhysand had told her.
You're father was night court. Was. She assumed that meant he was dead. She was an orphan, then, alone as she had always felt. This place, this family wasn't really hers. Hers was gone. She felt sadness in her heart even though she had hated the male that had abandoned her and her mother. It would have been nice to know that someone related to her was out there. Maybe he had family, maybe she had siblings. It should make her curious, but dread framed it. Maybe she liked this loneliness, maybe it suited her best. She fell asleep wrapped in it.

She came to on the forest path, panting already. She stood and tried to walk forward. The scar in her leg cried out to her in pain and she fell, placing a hand against it. It wasn't a scar at all but the gruesome open wound they had left her with on the floor of the dungeon. She looked at it in shock as blood dripped down her bare foot and into the wet earth. "No no no" She whispered as she watched her blood continue to pour out without healing. Suddenly, she saw out of the corner of her eye the end of an arrow protruding from the right side of her body. She touched it to be sure and blood again covered her hand. She was trapped by her own inability, by her own weakness. He was out there, trapped just the same. He wouldn't be coming for her this time. The earth moved up to meet her before she could realize she was falling backward. She could see the leaves rustling in a cool breeze above her. She wouldn't make it in to the light, she wouldn't find him, she wouldn't save the girl. Her eyes closed and she felt herself slip away into crushing darkness.

Talia fought her eyes open, confused. The sun was still up, casting long shadows through her room. Her hands shook with anxiety, the dream leaving her feeling empty and helpless. What time was it? She crawled out of bed, hoping that by some chance Rhysand was in the house. He owed her some information. She walked to his office, the phantom ache in her right leg haunting her. The door was cracked and she peeked in, seeing him at his desk. She stepped back and took a deep breath. She hadn't thought much about what to say.

"Come in, Talia." He said from inside. He had heard her approach. She carefully pushed the door open and entered, leaving it open behind her.

"Hi." She said. She felt small, like she was supposed to be something else now that he had told her she was night court but she wasn't quite there yet.

"I was hoping we would get a chance to talk." He said with a small smile. She nodded, unsure how to proceed. "You have questions, I'm sure, about your father."

She nodded again. "Who was he?"

"His name was Cormac. He was a soldier for my court, but he died under the mountain. He left a mate but no children." He shrugged. "That's all I really know."

She frowned. "Then why would my mother have been banished because of me?"

Rhysand was under the mountain 26 years ago. He didn't understand it either. "I wish I knew."

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