Vi x Caitlyn

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Caitlyn laid next to me the blanket pulled up over her chest. I smiled gently and looked over at her gently tracing patterns on her shoulder as she slowly woke up. I pressed my face into her shoulder and kissed at her shoulder blades. I pushed the blankets down to my waist and moved up more to kiss her neck. When my girlfriend stirred and then turned to look up at me whispering "Hello there..." She whispered reaching up to stroke my hair back.

"Hey cupcake" I whispered my voice gentle and kind, she always hated when people woke her up loud and overall just rude "It's time for you to get ready... you have work" I said gently while rubbing her arm and then cheek

She nodded a bit and said "mmm ok, ok..." She said sitting up slightly and pressing her face to my shoulder before swinging her legs off the bed getting up and then stretching. I watched before leaning forward and kissed her back "Your beautiful" I said running my fingers down her bare back and side. I moved the silk sheets aside and sat at the edge of the bed to kiss her body.

She hummed a bit and then giggled gently saying "Thank you... we need to go shower come on" she said grabbing my hand and going to the nice washroom. We had two places to stay at, one in piltover and the other in Zaun where jinx lived as well. We went in between them since Jinx and I wanted to re-kindle our relationship and Caitlyn was fine with that as long as she was still safe and was aloud to openly feel unsafe around Jinx and express those feelings as well as also try and build a safe relationship with my sister. As long as I could have a stable with the relationship with the two then I was happy.

After Caitlyn had gotten ready and so was I, I sat on the bed and watched her do her hair saying "so I wanted to ask you something" I said gently laying back on the bed still watching her

"Mmmm What is it?" She asked gently "You never ask if you can ask me things. Something wrong?" She asked as she dried her hair and looked back at me

"I was just wondering if you'd be up to a day out with my sister?" I asked sitting up again while crossing my legs, Jinx had said that she wanted to get to know Caitlyn more, she was still really set off by her and wanted to know nothing was going on behind the scenes or anything

"No." She seemed set on her answer but I really needed a yes
"Cait please I'll be there the whole time, pinky promise. You don't have to answer anything you don't want to and we can go home as soon as you want but we have to be there long enough so you can at least have a decent conversation with her" I explained getting up and going over to gently grab her brush from her

"Vi, No. I have no intention of creating a relationship, she just about killed me! I almost got blown up, you can't really be asking me if I want to have a day with your murder intention filled sister" She said looking back at me tilting her head back so her hair hung down.

I frowned and got down on my knees going in front of her and nudging her legs open leaning forward and pressing my face into her thigh and whispering "Cupcake... please... I want my two favourite people to at least get along... and not hate each other so much..." I mumbled pressed my face into her thigh and then up to her stomach

She stared down at me seeming to think to herself before whining and leaning her head back saying "Fine... but tonight better be the best head you've ever given..." She sighed

My face brightened and I sat up on my knees properly starting to kiss around her face smiling saying "Get my favourite girls in the same room and I get to touch~" I purred making grabby hands

"If I'm not murdered" She grumbled and started to brush through her hair again. I smiled widely and went over to out closet to finish getting dressed sliding on a shirt and my jacket going over and kissing her head "I'm gonna go make your lunch" and heading downstairs

Later I saw her off making sure she got on the train walking besides her like a big scary dog people staring at me (I didn't care. I looked scary as shit, I pride myself on that). Once she was on the train I gave her a thumbs up and wave watching it go off before starting to leave being stopped by other enforcers probably on there way to the station to switch off night duty. I looked up at pressed my lips into a straight line asking "Can I help you officers?" I asked stuffing my hands in my pockets peering up at them through my hood

A man, bigger then me but he was fat (No surprise. I could take the pig down in two seconds flat) and he obviously didn't take amazing care of himself his face had stubble and a broom stash. Ugly as fuck. He put his hand down to me and said "We're doing surprise searches on people we need to pull you aside and search you" He said

I peered up at him before hissing "get a warrant." Moving to walk past the two cops. This time a female stopped me, same height as Cait but she had more muscle like me. Fair match I'd say but I'd get chewed out again if I fought a cop, Caitlyn said it gives people a bad impression and it's safer not to, but they can't search me just because i'm obviously from the undercity. I looked up at the blonde and narrowed my eyes saying "I have places to be"

"Where? the only place you'll ever go is the slum..." She said reaching up to grab my face. I grabbed her wrist and pushed it aside saying "already been"

Before I knew it she had me up against the stations wall pressing my face into it and patting around my body desperately trying to find something. After a month ago when I got taken in for having a pocket watch Caitlyn gifted to me in my pocket I learned my lesson. I had to sit in a fucking train for almost two hours only to get there, be let out with my stuff and have to walk home by myself since cait was working the night shift. I didn't have anything with me anymore when we went out, Caitlyn would carry everything, wallet included.

As they searched my I shifted awkwardly the women shoving her hands into my pockets. I shifted again and she said "stop struggling"
I looked down and growled "I'm not, your shoving your hands down my fucking pockets of course I'm gonna move once or twice" I said watching as she put her hands everywhere, Caitlyn would hate this say something like

"that's enough she doesn't have anything" I glanced over fully expecting my girlfriend or something but the voice was deep, smokes maybe? When I looked over it was Jayce, we weren't on great terms but he didn't try to search me every five minutes to make sure I didn't try to steal anything or something dumb like that. Thanks for the help though...

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