chapter three

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Your pov

"That's absurd. How would i even go about it? I have nowhere to go and who's to say my lover would? Also, i have no money of my own, my wedding is to be paid with my parent's riches." I said. Even though i really liked the idea, i knew that it wouldn't be ethical to do so.

"It was only an idea, do you even have a lover to run away with?" He suddenly asked, making me realize, i had no lover. "Another reason the idea was unethical" i stated looking out into the tree-line.

Staring into the darkened forrest area, i felt a hand lay upon mine, i turned my head to look at Barkis, knowing it was his hand on mine. But before i could see him, i felt his lips meet mine.

I closed my eyes as i felt his hand on my waist, pulling me closer toward him, deepening the kiss. My heart raced and my body felt numb to his touch.

Was i in love?

No, i only met him a short while ago, but I've never felt this way about anyone before.

We pulled apart and before my mind could gather itself and think, he spoke "marry me, We'll elope and be happy together"

With my heart still putty in his hands, i spoke without thinking "yes...but money, i don't have any"

"I have some and you could...take some from your parents, they have so much, they'd never know and...don't they deserve it, for not wanting you to be happy?" He said staring into my eyes.

"They do, i deserve happiness, lets do it" i said and went in to kiss him again but he stood up "lets go" he held his hand out "now?" I asked, I'd thought he would have us wait a few days.

He nodded and i took his hand, ready to take the money we deserve and leave this horrible place with the man i love.

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