chapter two

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"Barkis..." i whispered as i walked down the hall, toward the sewing room. Its been a few days since i last saw him but i can'tseem to stop thinkingof him.

Once inside i was instructed to step onto a very small stage and immediately my measurements were taken, as my parents walked into the room, i stood up straight and greeted them

"Your mother and i have chosen your bride from the final women" my father said, i sighed, knowing he wouldn't have let me pick my own bride, even after saying they would allow me to. "Yes father." I said looking down at the man measuring my calves then up at my father "father, couldn't i just wear your suit, the one you wore when you married your first wife, it'll fit me"

"No, i wore that suit was worn when i wed for love, which was...a mistake" i nodded my head, understanding. He only married my mother because his father chose her. But he married his first wife in secret, before they were caught and forced to leave each other "Yes father" i said looking down again, feeling a needle lightly prick my leg, but not reacting to it.

I heard my mother and father walk out of the room, my mother going on about my father still having the suit. "You my leave now sir" i heard the man say, i thanked him and left, hearing my parents on the other side of the hall, still talking about the suit.

I walked down the steps of the house and was about to head to the kitchen for some water when i saw a familiar face in the window outside. I turned and saw him, Barkis. I smiled as he waved at me wearing a smile of his own.

He suddenly ducked down underneath the window and i saw a maid walk into the room. I walked up to her "tell my parents I'm going to walk around town, to clear my head. I will be back before it becomes dark outside" she nodded her head and continued walking while i left the manor.

"What are you doing here, if my parents catch you, they'd have you beheaded!" I said, not really being serious. He gave a small, heart melting chuckle "i had to come see you again, i just couldn't keep you off my mind" he said

"Come on, lets go some place" i suggested. I wanted to go somewhere no one would see us and could tell my parents about. Without thinking, i grabbed his hand and dragged him to a tree right outside of the town. The tree was in an isolated area, between a large amount of brush and fallen trees, it's hard to get into unless you know the way, and i do.

Once inside i watched as he marveled at the sight then the tree "it's the only one that actually grows here, all the other trees have died and fallen over the years, but this one, it gets bigger each year and it bares fruit too" i explained as we walked to, and sat under it.

"So, you're to be wed in two days?" He suddenly asked, i thought he knew. "Yes, but, unfortunately it isn't for love, it's because her family is almost half as wealthy as ours" i complained

"That's terrible. If i were to be wed to someone i didn't love, i would run away with my beloved, and marry them secretly"

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