chapter one

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"(Y/n), dear, don't slouch" Mother spoke in her normal, quiet but audible voice. I stood up straight as father walked into the room. The two of them took their seats, i stood by them, as instructed prior to the event.

Today would be the day that i find my bride.

Father told the butler to open the doors, once he did, a long line of women walked into the room in an orderly fashion.

I was very surprised to see a few men in between them. I glanced at father who seemed to not have noticed them yet, unless he already knew of them, would he really let me marry man?

Suddenly father jumped up from his seat, slamming his hands onto the top of the table "be rid of these men, immediately. I will not have my son, the only heir to my wealth be betrothed to a man!" He yelled, glaring at the butler

I looked down as the men were escorted out of our home and the women filled the line up again. "Now. One of you ladies will have the honor of marrying my son, (Y/n) (l/n) of the (l/n)s, the wealthiest name in all of town, you are expected to do most to nothing but stand next to (y/n) and look pretth as he one day takes over the family estate and business" father explained

I stood and watched as each girl introduced herself and told her family's wealth status, any of the girls father didn't see fit were sent off, the remaining four girls of the long line were told to speak to my mother in private, to speak of her bed experience.

As mother left with the women, father took his leave, stating that he would be found in his study. With the little freedom i had at that moment, i left the house, most of the women had gone home, some who stayed were crying, others were angry, i felt terrible for them.

I also saw some of the men who came, but one stood out from the rest. He noticed me staring and walked over "i couldn't help but notice that you were staring at me, Barkis Bittern, pleasure to make your acquaintance, your majesty" he said, giving a small bow.

I laughed "I'm not royalty" i said as i felt a blush creep onto my cheeks "to me, you are" he spoke, giving me a charming smile, i could feel my heart skip a beat.

"I- i need to go, mother is probably looking for me to bride" i said looking down, before leaving

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