•Little!Tubbo,Tommy CG!Niki• (We Hungwy)

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"Tommyyy! I'm hungwyyy can we pweasee get some foood"

"I knoww, we just have to keep on looking"

Tubbo was around 4-6 and Tommy was 8-9, he has a way older headspace. They decided to walk around near their house when their tummys started to grumble. Tubbo has been nagging Tommy all the way and he just sighed at him

Suddenly, an idea popped in his head. He remembered that Niki's bakery was down the street and she has yummy sweet pasteries him and Tubbo can eat

"Tubbo i know nows!"


"We can go to 'ama Niki! She has yummy pasteries, we can ask from her"

"Ohh okiee! Buh does she know abouts me?"

"What about you?"

"She still doesn't knows am a wittle"

"Really? Well then don't be shy, she won't judge yous"

"Awe you sure?"

"Mhm! Now come onn!!"

Tommy jogged passed him racing to the bakery, Tubbo giggled and followed behind him. They walked a few blocks until the air started smelling like cookies

"Mmm do you smell that tubbo?"

"Mhm! Ish dat Niki's bakewy?"

"Yeaah! Now let's knock first"

Tommy being the big brother himself, knocked on the door to let Niki know they were outside. When she opened the door, she was met by two boys standing and waving at her

"Hello boys! Tubbo? Did Phil tell you to take Tommy with you?"

"Uhms no"

Niki was a bit surprised at what he said

"Wait why are you talking like that? Is there something wrong?"

"No 'ama Niki. Tubbo is a little wike me!"

"Oh really? Well why didn't you say so buddy"

She said holding his cheeks and him hiding behind Tommy. She laughed at how silly and he looked

"So assuming he is in a younger headspace than you?"

"Mhm! I was a big boy and led us here to you because he said he was hungwy"

"So you boys are hungry?"

Tommy nodded and Tubbo did the same

"Well perfect timing! I baked fresh cookies to give out later, wanna try some?"

"Yes pease!"

"Come on in, you too small fry"

She said turning to Tubbo. He turned red, grabbed onto Tommy's shirt and toddled behind him. Niki watched in awe at how adorable they are. They took a seat and waited for her to arrive. When she did, she brought plates and a cup of cocoa for the two

"Enjoy your meal boys"

"Tankchu 'ama Niki"

Said Tommy


Tubbo said quietly, still shy a bit shy at Niki

"Aww don't be shy sweetie, and you can call me Mama Niki too if you want"

She said with a smiled and patting his shoulders. The boy smiled at her and drank his cocoa. She sat down and watched as both boys ate their food like there's no tomorrow

Thirty minutes later both of them finished and Tubbo let out a tiny burp

"Aw bud, here let me wipe that cookie stain on your mouth"

Niki said gently and grabbed some tissues to take the crumbs off

"Me too 'ama!"

"Of course toms, come here"

She said after wiping Tubbo's mouth and leaning in to wipe Tommy's too

"See tubbo! 'ama Niki is not bad!"

Tubbo giggled a bit and smiled, hiding again behind Tommy

"Don't worry sunshine, he'll get use to me. Now go on, it's getting late you have to go home"

"Otay bye bye!"

Tommy said with a smile and waving a little. He then nudged Tubbo to do the same. But Tubbo ran to Niki and hugged her

"Fankyou mama! Yous made me feel safe"

Then ran back to where Tommy was. Niki gave a warm smile while internally squealing at how cute that was also proud to get Tubbo's trust. They both finally waved goodbye and headed out

A/N: I am so sorry I haven't been posting in a while, been very busy with school works and activites. Also been going out here and there for school and spending thanksgiving. But thank you for being patient, i may post 2-3 chapters today for this book and 1 on the other. Again thank you and advanced Merry Christmas!!

Word Count: 634

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