Y/N: "Let's go."

You 4 reached basement downstairs and saw Asia being held in chains with Shuren being next to her.

Shuren: "So nice of you all to come this far only to see the girl's demise."

Issei: "Asia no!"

Shuren: "Deal with them."

A legion of Stray Exorcists began attacking.

Kiba: "Me and Koneko got this! Get Asia!"

Y/N: "Right!"

You and the Pawn charged at Shuren however, the Fallen Angel send a wave of fire at them. Thus the screams of Asia are now heard as a green light, containing her Sacred Gear, appeared out of her now lifeless body.

 Thus the screams of Asia are now heard as a green light, containing her Sacred Gear, appeared out of her now lifeless body

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Shuren: "At last, the Twilight Healing are mine and mine alone!"

You snapped in rage and punches Shuren to the wall while Issei holds Asia.

Y/N: "Issei, take Asia and her Sacred Gear with you and run."

Issei: "But Y/N..."

Y/N: "Do it!"

Issei did what he's told and ran. Shuren burst out of the wall, angry that what his objective was thwarted.

Shuren: "You will pay for this!"

Y/N: "Wrong, you fucking bastard..."


Just then the area was filled with immense pressure all which came from you. Blackened aura surrounds you as your face is now covered by a mask.

 Blackened aura surrounds you as your face is now covered by a mask

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Y/N: "You're the one who's going to pay!"

A clash black energy and fire is seen outside the church as you pushed him back. Shuren kept firing multiple fire blasts. You flew towards the sky all the way back to him at close range where his attacks that were following you lead back to Shuren but it failed as he shut them off before they even hit him. You swung your scythe at him, cutting off his arm. Then you used your chains to him down to the ground not before summoning a skeletal hand to slam him down some more and hurled him at you for an incoming attack. But the Fallen Angel released a shockwave of fire that pushed you back and and forged a massive fire sphere.

Shuren: "I had it with you! This time you die for real! Perish!"

???: "You first!"

Shuren: "Wha-"


Shuren was then punched, hurling straight inside the church by Issei where his attack dispersed.

Issei: "That felt good!"

You catched the perv before he was about to fall down while walking to were both your enemy is.

Issei: "Thanks man."

Y/N: "I suppose I should be grateful for that sneak attack."

Issei: "I just couldn't stand back. I'm just so sick and tired of feeling helpless."

Kiba: "Nicely done you guys!"

Issei: "What held you up?"

Kiba: "Orders to not interfere. Rias' orders sorry."

Y/N/Issei: "Seriously?"

Rias: "I know you guys got this covered. I knew you boys would defeat him."

After finding out some discoveries, I came here to see Kiba and Koneko having a ball with the priests."

Y/N: "Glad you're all safe."

An echo of clapping was heard and thus the female Fallen Angels appeared.

Raynare: "That was a lovely show. I enjoyed every minute of it."

Issei: "Raynare...you bitch!"

Rias: "Wait Issei."

Issei: "But why? Those bitches, they-!"

Rias: "Are not our enemies!"

Y/N: "Huh?"

Issei: "What do you mean by that!"

Raynare: "We serve Azazel-sama. Always have been, always will."

Mittlet: "Totally! Everything we did was to find out the ones who renegade his orders."

Issei: "But killing me was VERY helpful?!"

Raynare: "Yeah, we didn't have much of choice otherwise Shuren here would've suspected something."

Kalawarner: "He also attacked Dohnaseek since he was tired of the undercover routine. Nearly blown our cover. Practically everything you Devils did, we helped you from the shadows."

Shuren: "...How dare you! No wonder Dohnaseek tried to kill me! I'll-"

Raynare: "You won't be doing anything in that condition. He's all yours Devils. Oh and Y/N?"

Y/N: "What?"

Raynare: "Call me.~"

Then they all disappeared.

Issei: "Even after what they said were true, I still hate them."

Rias: "Forget them, this one is the most troublesome. Shuren right? Nice to finally meet you."

Shuren: "You're Rias Gremory? What is the heiress of the Gremory interfering in my affairs?"

Rias: "According to Raynare, you were planning to have the entire Fallen Angels who'd stood by you to invade this town. Which spells out a war if I stay out of it."

Issei: "So you defended me and Y/N?"

Rias looked at him and see a change in his Sacred Gear changed."

Rias: "Look at that. I didn't notice your Sacred Gear."

Issei: "Oh it freaked out and turned red."

Rias: "It's called the Red Dragon Emporer. Which explains alot actually."

Y/N: "So it's not a 'Twice Critical' after all. According to Death, the power of Red Dragon Emporer allows the user to double its power exponentially, surpassing God and Satan. It's one of the 13 of Longinus and its strongest version is Balance Breaker.""

Rias: "Really?"

Y/N: "Yes he also said that he had a run in with other dragons before they became Sacred Gears. God himself made a deal with him to take stop them from destroying the world because of their fighting amongst one another."

Everyone was shocked to hear that you know this and Death's encounter the Dragons.

Shuren: "Impossible! That's absurd! The power of Death and the one that can defy Heaven and Hell are in the hands of you brats!"

Y/N: "Oh yeah...almost forgot about you."

Enraged, Shuren charged at you all before you killed him for good.


Issei: "Now with that's over, Rias..."

He gave the Twilight Healing to Rias, wanting to have her reincarnate as a Devil.

Rias: "Of course."

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