2- He wouldn't do that to me

Start from the beginning

One, Carlos' fingerprint. Two, the number pad on the outside of the door and three this key card. I knew I was going to get in trouble for this, but I've never disobeyed him before and I was just going to beg for forgiveness if he ever found out.

I opened our bedroom door and snuck down the hall to his office, using the card to unlock the door.

I went in, shutting the door quietly behind me.

I turned on the monitors, showing me the cameras around the house so I knew if anyone was coming.

I started opening his desk drawers, filing cabinets going through every single file, trying to find something, but I didn't.

I let out a sigh, thankful I didn't find anything. If Carlos ordered a hit on my parents, why would he keep that evidence. This whole thing was a waste of my time.

Getting up, I made sure everything was as it once was before walking towards the door again.


Retracing my steps as I walked back to his desk. Nothing. I tried it a few more times before I felt it again.

Kneeling down, I started feeling around on the floor. Trying to figure out these floorboards, until I found the loose one and pulled it out of the floor. Reaching down underneath, I started pulling out file after file about his business and Marcos.

I cringed at the thought of what happened to that man. I skimmed through the whole file on Marcos. A single tear fell as I remembered that night.

The last folder caught my eye, it read 'Hailey'. I closed my eyes, praying this wasn't happening. I opened the file, finding pictures of me working at the restaurant, walking through the park and eating with my friends from college, taken before and after my parents death.

I started to read. Only living relatives; my parents. Where I went to school from kindergarten all the way up to the dance school. My one and only job I had during highschool and college.

Everything was in there. He was watching me.

This still didn't prove he killed my parents though.

I put everything back, just the way I found it and turned the monitors off. Opening the door a crack, I looked to see if anyone was coming before shutting the door behind me as I left.

I went straight to the bedroom and changed. I was more confused than ever.

The next morning I was sitting on Carlos' lap in his office, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, while they talked about their night in they're native language.

When I first started dating Carlos, I knew some Spanish but after dating a while he had a tutor come in and teach me. I was now fluent and I understood everything they were saying.

After I moved in, Carlos wasn't shy around me. He trusted me and until just a week ago, I thought I could trust him.

"¿Pareció un accidente?" (Did it look like an accident?)

"Por supuesto señor." (Of course, Sir)

"Bueno." (Good)

"Carlos?" I decided to interrupt.

"Yes, darling?"

"What are you guys talking about? What accident?"

He smiled, "Why do you want to know?"

"Bored I guess, you guys are talking and I was just trying to understand. I'm sorry, I never should have asked."

His fingers massage the back of my neck, "It's okay, we had a problem with some asshole in Columbia. He was in town and let's just say, his car stopped working." He smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

So much death.

"Scary, brings back horrible memories of my parents."

His look changed, one I couldn't read. "I'm such an asshole, I should have thought before I spoke."

"It's okay, don't apologize for something you had no control over, plus my parents' death was an actual accident. The company said so. I'm glad this person won't be a problem for you anymore."

I leaned in to kiss his lips, cheek and neck.

The mood had changed in the room, he wasn't mad at me but I could tell, for the first time since I met Carlos Mendoza he felt something. Guilty maybe?

The day went on, again acting normal when I really wanted to scream inside. I went to change before dinner but grabbed my phone and Justin's business card and went into the bathroom.

Locking the door and turning on the fan, I dialed his number.

"Agent Walker."

"It's me, Hailey Thompson."

"Hailey, are you alright?" He asked, concerned.

I fought back tears, "I think you might have been right. I need to get out of here."

"Hailey, I'm not there anymore but I can be by morning. Are you safe?"

"Yes, Carlos doesn't know anything."

"There are some Federal Agents that can come in tonight. We need an excuse to come in and pull you out without raising suspension or it's going to get you killed."

"I'm not dealing with anybody besides you."

"I'll be there in the morning. Be safe Hailey."

"I will."

Hanging up the phone, I deleted his number from my phone and hid it.

Walking downstairs, Carlos was waiting for me. He took my hand leading me to the table where we ate our dinner.

That night when making love, I wanted to cry. I wished and prayed he didn't kill my parents but he did, I could see it in his eyes as he tried hiding it. He promised never to lie to me, like I would never lie to him.

And we broke our promises.

The next morning, eating breakfast there was a commotion outside.

"Señor, los federales están aquí." (Sir, Feds are here)

"Mierda." (Fuck) "Baby listen, if they take you too, the lawyer will come get you out again, don't say anything. It will be okay, sweetheart."

I nodded, as the agents came rushing inside and started handcuffing Carlos.

"Wait." I yelled before they hauled him outside. I walked up to him, with Justin by my side.

"Stop, let me talk to her." Carlos demanded, they turned him towards me. "Yes, love?"

"I need to ask you something, please don't lie to me."


"Don't lie! Did you kill my parents?" I whispered.

He just looked in my eyes. I didn't really think he was going to confess in front of all these feds but I knew him well enough to know the truth in his eyes.


He lied.

I got tears in my eyes as they pulled him away.

"Come on, we need to go." Justin said.

"There's only one thing I need to bring."

"You can't bring anything."

"It's a picture frame of me and my parents, on the dresser in my room. Please, that's all I have left of them."

Justin looked at the female agent and nodded at her before pulling me out the door with him.

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