◇Chapter 2: What happened?◇

Start from the beginning

Powder: Woo-hoo

I looked over to her and saw she was staring at some sandwiches on the desk. She grabbed one and took a big bite, she handed it to me and asked if I wanted a bite. I took a small one and thanked her, She took the sandwich back and looked at something on the desk. she put the sandwich down and moved a blueprint off the chest. She grunted as she tried to move it. I tried to help but to no avail. She grabbed the side of the chest, it opened and we saw 6 glowing blue orbs.

Powder: Woah.

Y/n: what are these things?

Powder: I don't know, but they look really cool.

She took one from its place and inspected it. I was amazed, it seemed to be the same thing as the rings I found just blue. It was the same color as her eyes I loved her eyes, they where a pretty cerulean blue that sparkled, I always seemed to get lost in them. It sounds cheesy but its true! her eyes always showed bravery and love. I loved that about her eyes.

Vi: Powder, Y/n, We gotta go!

?: Is someone in there?

Powder started shoving them in her pocket. We quickly ran out of the room to meet up with the rest. As I was running my finger started to feel tingly, I don't know why but, I didn't look. Our first priority was to get out safely.

Mylo: Come on!

The banging started to become louder and more consistent  as we where trying to escape.

Vi: we'll be fine. Just get on the roof.

Just a few moments, later all I saw was a bright flash of blue. I instinctively grabbed on to Powder to try to shield her. we all flew backwards. She started to cough on the dust and I patted her back.

Powder: Thank you.

Just then the floor started cracking.

Vi: Hold on!

The building started crashing to the streets below

Vi then got up to look the damage.

Vi: Shit.

Sirens started blaring and that's when we all knew we would were screwed.

We all started racing to get as far away as we could before we got caught by the enforcers.

enforcer: stop right there!

Y/n: aww dammit now we're in trouble.

We started bolting down the streets running from the enforcers while trying to push through the large crowd

Vi: Faster!

We ran and ran jumped down flights of stairs all while I stayed by Powder's side the whole time while time. Now enforcers are trying to throw trap things at us, good this they don't have very good aim. People started shouting at us as we ran.

enforecer: Look down there. Don't let them get away!

The bridge started lifting up, hopefully it'll slow them down a bit.

enforcer: Hey!

enforcer: Come on!

Vi: This way!

We started sliding down the ally ways trying to find a way to slow down the enforcers chasing us

We all turned down an ally way too fast, we all ended up running into the wall.
I let out a breathy laugh.

Vi pushed down a weird looking this off a wall to let out smoke to block the enforcers view. We took a sharp right and continued to run, this time without the enforcers following. We came up to a drain. Mylo lifted it and immediately started complaining.

Mylo: aw man not again I just got this shirt-

Vi kicked him down the drain as he yelled while going down

Then it was Powder, then me.

As I hit the botton I heard I grunt and realized I landed on Powder.

Y/n: oh crap! Sorry Pow-Pow.

I quickly got up and grabbed her hand to let her up, then we heard Claggor's yell. We quickly moved out of the way and Claggor fell out of the drain followed by Vi.

Mylo:I thought last time was the last time we would do this.

Vi: well, this time is the last time.

Claggor: Guys what happened? what the hell happened back there?

They all looked at me and Powder .

Powder: I don't know, we didn't do anything!

Mylo: You could fill a library with all the things you didn't do.

I glared at him

Y/n: She didn't do anything Mylo!

Mylo: Sure.

Vi: Guys, we just emptied a Piltover penthouse right under the enforcer's noses. So if you're done beating yourselves up let's get this home.

So we left it was time to go home with all this stuff I smiled at Powder

Y/n: you did good

Powder: Really? You think so?

Y/n: Yup, don't listen to Mylo, he can be a bitch.

Then, together, hand in hand, we both started down The garbage pile to leave the smelly place.

Thank you for reading have a wonderful day!!<3

1364 words

Jinx x Reader《I'll Never Leave You》Where stories live. Discover now