the lost turnabout / farewell, my turnabout

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September 9, 2017

"Ngghhh...Edgeworth speaking."

"Hey, boss."

"...This better be good, Detective."

"I'm sorry, sir, I—I know it's probably late wherever you are—"

"It is two o'clock in the morning, Gumshoe. If this is not an emergency, I guarantee you that your captain will be receiving a strongly worded email—"

"Sir—please. It's been a really long day, but—I knew I had to call you the second I got the chance."

"...What's happened?"

"...Somethin' really bad. S'been one of those days that'll probably haunt me, to be honest, sir."

"I...erhm. I am sorry to hear that. Do you need...assistance? Legal advice? Should I...have someone call Wright—?"

"Mr. Edgeworth, sir...somethin' happened at the courthouse today. There was an assault in the defense attorneys' lounge. Wright...he's in the hospital."


"Sir? ...You there?"

"Tell me everything. Every detail—"


"Leave nothing out, Detective. Listen closely, I'm booking the next flight to LAX, my arrival time is 6:15am—"

"Mr. Edgeworth! Hold on a second!"

"Details, Detective, now, I am capable of typing and listening at the same time—I will speak to the prosecutor assigned to the case, I have no doubt they can be convinced to hand it off, Payne won't resist if I have something to say about it—"

"Mr. Edgeworth! There isn't gonna be a trial!"


"The perp, boss. He's in custody already. We locked down the building when the alarm went up, snagged him before he could hightail it. He attacked Wright in broad daylight, we caught the guy on tape. His fingerprints are on the weapon. Even confessed right when I put the cuffs on him. He's going down for it without a fight."

"...I see. Did the perpetrator...did he explain his motives?"

"Wright was on the defense team for this of a good friend, actually. Turns out this numbskull was the one who framed her for murdering another cop. Wright found some damning evidence on him...perp caught wind somehow, got desperate."

"So he tried to retrieve the evidence himself. In a court of law. ...Imbecile."

"Yeah, well. He wasn't the sharpest tack in the box, but he didn't have to be, sir."

"Detective...tell me. Is Wright..."

"He...he's in a bad way right now, but they think he'll pull through. For a minute there, I wasn't sure, you know? He got hit on the head with the base of a friggin' fire extinguisher. It cracked his skull, and...there was a lot of blood, sir."

"...Is he...Is he conscious? Can I—can I call the hospital and speak with him?"

"He's conscious, yeah.'s complicated, sir. The thing is...he doesn't remember."

"The assault? I...suppose that can happen, after trauma to the head—"

"Sir. He doesn't remember anything."

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