Chapter 2

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I look up at the firehouse nervous about what might be waiting for me when I enter. they said they wanted to do experiments and that it won't hurt but still. I knock on the door and I hear someone yell for me to come on in. when I walk in I look around there is a woman at the front desk and she is busy filling her nails she glances up at me then back at what she was doing. "Ghostbusters how may we help you," she asks 

"I'm here for lab work" I mutter nervously 

"This isn't a doctors office" she looks at me raising her right brow. "who are you here to see" 

"Dr. Spengler" I shuffle my feet nervously having not had any human contact in three days. I have been busy trying to find a place to stay and my phone is shut off because Josh hasn't stopped calling from jail. the woman phones and once she hands up Egon comes out from a door and smiles. 

"you made it, I was starting to think you wouldn't show up" he motions me to come back and I follow him. the lab was big and there is a ton of equipment. "take a seat" he motions for me to sit. once I sit down he sits across from me. he takes a light and shines it in my eyes. "pupils look fine is it alright if I take some blood" he asks and I nod he grabs what he needs before sticking the needle in my arm it hurt and the things on the table slide off.

"I-I'm so sorry" I blush not meaning to mess up anything he may have been working on. once he was done he smiles. 

"it's fine I just have to know a few things" he gets a clipboard. "so do you know what you are capable of besides moving things" 

"um I can tell what people are feeling but I have to be touching them for it to work." he jots it down and I caused a fire once when I was younger" 

"Have you not been able to do it again since" 

"I've been scared to" I admit. 

"what was your childhood like," he asks 

"It was alright" I shrug he takes note of it but just as he is about to ask another question an alarm goes off and he puts everything away before leaving and I follow him out. 

"if you want you can hang around here there are still things I need to do but if you want you can always come back," he informs and I nod and they all leave. I look around and I notice the lady at the front desk. I wave at her giving an awkward smile and she looks up fully. 

"so are you to a thing or" I blush bright red. 

"no, we just met the other day" 

"are you the girlfriend who was possessed," she asks 

"I'm not possessed" 

"well you are something if you had to come by for labwork so what is it are you a psychic," she asks and I shrug. it is silent for a minute before she speaks up. "I'm Janine" she holds out her hand and I go over and shake it. 

"Kim" I smile "so what's it like working here" 

"it's fine I guess but they have no one for nighttime calls which we get. I've been trying to get them to hire someone for the nightshift and they made it my job to find that person but no one has shown interest." 


"well you'd have to be here all night and I guess the thought of being alone in this building knowing they store ghosts in here isn't the most pleasant thing hell I haven't been to my apartment in almost a week they have a room set up for me which is nice but I'd really like to go home at some point" she vents 

"what are all the job requirements," I ask 

"why you interested" she scuffs and I shrug. 

"well it would give me a place to stay and I stay up late as it is already" she sits there for a second and then goes to a drawer and gets out a sheet of paper. 

The Abnormal Girl (Egon Spengler Love Story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum