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Maya : why do you have two yearbooks heehaw

Lucas : because one is for my girlfriend who is  the most beautiful gorgeous girl ever 

Maya : you got me a yearbook but there like $60

Lucas : yeah you said you couldn't afford it so I got you one for you

Maya : thanks huckleberry kisses him 

Lucas : your welcome 

Riley : walks up , yay yearbooks 

Maya : why are you so excited about a yearbook

Riley : because we get to look back at all the stuff we did all year and we get to look at senior surpoltives

Lucas : do we even need to look at best couple Maya and I get it every year

Riley : I don't know why look like they would learn your not now or have ever been or ever will be a couple 

Lucas : what makes you say that 

Riley : because I like you so that means Maya can't like you 

Lucas : Riley I told you I don't feel the same way about you  and you have absolutely no right to tell Maya who she can be with

Riley : yes I do it's girl code so she still can't see you and you never no someone else could win best couple 

Maya : first girl code isn't a real thing and second   who else are the going to vote for best couple

Riley : Lucas and I 

Maya : everybody knows Lucas doesn't like you like you like him 

Lucas : oh and look I found the page with Best Couple on it says Lucas and Maya

Riley : ugh whatever were hanging after school Maya 

Maya : what no were not I have plans 

Riley : just cancel them then 

Maya : No 

Riley : ugh fine then your hanging with me  Lucas 

Lucas : No I'm not I have plans too 

Riley : fine I'll go see what Farkle and Smakle are doing after school bye 

Lucas : so is my cowgirl ready for our date

Maya : yeah come on let's get out of here

Lucaya one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now