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Mr.Mattews : Lucas can you wake Maya up 

Lucas : why me 

Mr.Mattews : because she sweet to you if I try to wake her up she might throw a book at me 

Lucas : she didn't do that because you tried to wake her up during class she did that to prove words can hurt 

Mr.Mattews : whatever just wake her up 

Lucas : strokes her hair , Maya time to get up 

Maya : but why 

Lucas : because your in school 

Maya :  ugh fine 

Mr.Mattews : Maya you can't keep sleeping in class , aren't you getting any sleep at night 

Maya : yeah plenty 

Mr. Matthews : than why do you keep calling asleep in class 

Maya : I don't know 

Mr.Mattews : are you ok Maya you look a little pale 

Maya : why is the room spinning 

Farkle : it's not 

Maya : oh 

Zay : I think your just dizzy and you look lighthead 

Mr.Mattews : you better go to the nurse 

Maya : ok 

Maya : falls to the ground blacking out 

Lucas : MAYA !!

Mr.Mattews : somebody call 911

Smakle : on it 

EMT : what happened Sir 

Mr.Mattews : well she asked why everything was spinning and then blacked out 

EMT : anything else 

Mr.Mattews : well she has been sleeping in class a lot and she looked light-headed 

EMT : ok thank you Sir we got it from here 

Lucas : wait can I come with her 

EMT : sure kid come on 

Riley : wait you can't go you  said you would going to come with the rest of us and get smoothies 

Lucas : Riley ! Maya is more important than a smoothie she just blacked out something could be seriously wrong with her 

At the Hospital 

Doctor : your the kid that came in with Maya right

Lucas : yes sir that's me is Maya going ok why did she black out 

Doctor : we don't know yet we have to run some tests 

Lucas : what kind of test 

Doctor : CT Scans , MRIs , blood work and if we find a turmor we'll have to do a biopsy on it 

Lucas : wait CT scans and MRIs are used to check for turmors and cancer are you saying Maya might have cancer

Doctor : we don't know but we did find a bumb on the back of her neck it could be anything from a infection to hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism or yes it could be as bad as cancer but we won't know until we run these tests

Lucas : ok 

Doctor : were going to go get her for her first test in a few minutes so you might want to sit with her 

Lucas : ok thank you

Maya : Lucas what happened why am I hear

Lucas : Maya ! your up 

Lucaya one shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें