date night

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   "He kissed me." Osamu said talking to Kita on the phone. They were on FaceTime because Kita was trying to find some flowers to give to Aran for their anniversary.

"Omg it's about time. I thought you guys would never get together." Kita said rolling his eyes.

"See the thing is we're not dating yet."

"Osamu Miya you're going to be the reason I die at a young age." Kita said slapping his hand on his face.

"What?? I don't know what ya people want from me!"

"Maybe if you'd just ask him out! He clearly likes you Miya."

"It's more complicated then it lo-" He got cut off.

"NO you're making more difficult then it should be." He sighs. "Just ask him if he wants to go on a date, just one date. I'm sure it's going to be just fine."

"If I do will ya stop yelling at me?"

"Maybe, maybe not." Kita said looking at him.

"Yer still talkin to me like I'm yer teammate."

"And I will continue to do so until you act like an adult."

"Ok fine! I'll ask him out jeez. Ya happy now?"

"No Osamu. Are YOU  happy now?"

"I'll be happy if he says yes."


It's one week later from the game on a Friday night. The gray haired male sat up in bed thinking of how he's going to ask Suna out. First of all he'd have to decide where he's going to take him. Maybe a fancy restaurant? No that's too overdone. Maybe to a carnival? No too many kids there.

Then where could I take him? He thought some more.

"Oh I know! How about a picnic." He thought.

He checked the weather report for Saturday evening and it was perfect weather for a picnic. Not too much wind or heat so he'll be fine.

All he had to do was ask Rin.

Contact name: Sunarin🖤💯

Osamu: Hey Rin

Suna: ew shut up

Osamu: um rude

Suna: smd

Osamu: when? 😏

Suna: ur slowly turning into Komori

Osamu: I'm gonna take that as a compliment I actually like him.

Suna: mm hard pass

Osamu: I'll tell him ya said that

Suna: while ur at it tell Sakusa he's a dick for taking all my yogurts

Osamu: he took half and I took half. Strategy.

Suna: istg Samu I'll appear in ur closet and kill u

Osamu: *gasps* is that a threat? Currently calling the cops.

Suna: do you hear something? It sounds like a little bitch

Osamu: look in the mirror

Suna: ur mom

Osamu: hilarious 🙄

Suna: 😘

Osamu: anyways I want to ask ya something

Suna: no

Osamu: it's important

Suna: fine. What is it?

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