Chapter 18: The Worst Result

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As the servant spoke, she reached out an arm to grab Xiang Yun, when another person suddenly appeared in front of her. It was Big Madam who stood expressionlessly in front of her. Her(SNN) movements were unusually fast, it was as though she had just appeared out of thin air. Whatever, so what if she appeared? This servant was not afraid of the Big Madam. That was not counting the two kitchen cleavers she had in each hand, naturally an armed enemy should be regarded as a different matter.

Su Nuan Nuan held both cleavers as she stared expressionlessly at the fastest servant. According to the laws of wuxia novels, when it came to battles, one's posture and bearing were the most important thing that would decide the outcome of a fight.

That expressionless face actually creeped out the servant, making her feel like she's confronting a female ghost in daylight. She trembled with fear as she withdrew her arm and screamed. "B-big Madam, you...what are you trying to do?"

Su Nuan Nuan hefted her knives, gave the servant a cold smile showing all her teeth, and said vaguely. "You have fast hands, and faster reflexes. You're lucky, otherwise your hands would have been cut off by me. I do not eat human meat, but we have a pair of pigs in our backyard. I heard that pigs will eat anything, we've been feeding them nothing but chaff and wild herbs. If I reward them with a pair of hands, I do believe they will be really happy."


An expressionless face, coupled with a gruesome smile, and those really creepy words said in a barely there voice finally collapsed the spirit of the three servants who had led the charge. Crying and screaming for mother, they ran back carelessly and were tripped up by the beans.

Born and raised in a large house, it could be said that Xu Ran Yun was blessed with the unique skills and instincts to fight and survive in an Inner Court environment. However, when facing against 'actual strength', all the skills and tricks in the world can't win against true power. Take now for example, this shameless Big Madam who could even play the role of a vengeful ghost while threatening people was not one Xu Ran Yun could actually win against.

Seeing the group of people flee with their tails between their legs and covered in the dust of defeat, Xiang Yun gave a loud cheer and grabbed Su Nuan Nuan by the arm saying. "Missy, you are too amazing. Hahaha, this servant has never seen Madam Yun in such a terrible state. She can't even do anything against it, this is just too great!"

The little maid was so happy that she forgot her place, seeing Hong Lian glaring at the hands that have grabbed hold of Su Nuan Nuan, she found that she had overstepped herself. She withdraw her arm, sticking out her tongue at Hong Lian, saying with a little grin. "I was just too happy, Big Sister Hong Lian. You should be happy too, and grab Missy's other arm in celebration. Ever since we have been in Mei Yue Lou you have to suffer every time we beg something from Madam Yun, how much trouble has she given you? This counts as retribution for all our pains."

Hong Lian gave another sigh, though she felt happy in her heart, the thought of Madam Yun's potential revenge made her unable to become fully happy. She gave Xiang Yun a glare and said through gritted teeth. "You are too simple minded, today we have offended Madam Yun to death, what do you think our life would be like in the future? Do you think that just because the master visited a few times, we can just run wild?"

Xiang Yun's little face turned white. Without waiting for them to say anything else, Su Nuan Nuan's loud voice interrupted. "What? You consider this running wild? Hong Lian, from which angle did you see us running wild? These people came to our place to pick a fight with us like a bunch of peacocks and stepped into our bean traps. This is called suffering from your own stupid actions, and has nothing with us. At worst you may call this justice, how did it turned into running wild? Heh heh, you have never really seen your Big Madam when she decides to really run wild."

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