"Strike" came Izuku's voice.

The heroes broke in without hesitation, causing the Villains to jerk awake. They took advantage of the initial confusion to put their plan into motion.

In the room to the left, Hawks and Kamui barged in, waking Kurogiri up from his slumber.

"What!? How-"

Kamui quickly used his branches to restrain a thoroughly confused Kurogiri while Hawks used his feathers to attach quirk cancelling devices to Kurogiri's metal neck. Izuku had asked Mei to design special discs for Kurogiri because the warp gate user had no physical skin for the appendages to sink into. These new discs send shocks across the metal base of Kurogiri's neck and disable his quirk.

Hawks' eyes widened in horror when a faint outline of someone's face appeared behind the violently flickering fog. But it wasn't the time to ponder. Warp gate was successfully restrained, so the convenient exit for the league was cut off.

"Come on, we need to go" Hawks commanded.

Kamui extended his branches to restrain the villain further as the two heroes headed into the living room with Kurogiri.

At the same time, Shigaraki and Toga had jolted awake and headed into the living room, still in a daze due to sleep.

"Tomura-kun? What's going on?" Toga asked, rubbing her eyes.

Edgeshot and Vlad took advantage of this and silently crept behind them till they reached the living room before tackling them from behind. They couldn't use their quirks, nor could the heroes since Eraserhead was erasing them. But the heroes had a better physical advantage over the Villains. Midnight immediately released her quirk in the room while Izuku pressed the button on the remote. The quirk cancelling discs shot out of the drone and latched onto the villains who were slowly getting drowsy.

"Gahh! YOU BASTARDS!!" Dabi yelled, trying to shake Ingenium off him.

"Shut up, Villain. You are under arrest" the elder Iida yelled.

Spinner punched Ectoplasm off of him but Snipe was quick to shoot a bullet into the Gecko's leg, causing him to fall back to the ground. Ectoplasm once again restrained him while another of his clones helped the heroes in clicking the cuffs onto the Villain's hands.

"Please don't hurt me"
"We're done for!!"

Ryukyu raised her brow at Twice, finding his split behaviour concerning and amusing at the same time.

Uwabami knocked Dabi and Spinner unconscious while Toga fell asleep due to high concentration of Midnight's quirk.

"I'll… kill…. You…." Shigaraki mumbled, falling onto his knees as sleep overtook his body.

Cementoss had encased Mr. Compass's legs in cement while Aizawa tied his hands together with his scarf. Death Arms and Thirteen stood in the living room, on guard, to assist if something unexpected popped up.

Once the Villains were restrained, Izuku squeaked in joy and hugged Nezu. "We did it, Nezu-san! We finally did it!! We took down the League!"

"Yes, Izuku-kun. Yes, we did"

The greenette pulled his communicator out and pressed Tsukauchi's channel. "Tsukauchi-san, Mission successful. Villains secured. I repeat, mission successful"

"Oh thank god" they heard the detective sigh at the other end, "On our way"

Meanwhile, Uwabami, Ectoplasm and Vlad started searching the base for any information that they might find useful. Aizawa tied the villains to the pillar with his scarf and looked at them with eyes filled with indifference. But something made his heart almost stop for a second- Kurogiri. Due to the quirk cancelling devices, his warp was fluctuating rather violently and somehow, the sleep deprived hero recognised the hints of the face that seemed to appear in fragments.

"The police are here! Let's head to the lab!" He heard Hawks yell from outside and reluctantly moved away from them after unbinding his scarf. The officers were already inside, which was a relief. Whatever it was that made him recollect a certain someone, had to wait.

Izuku sighed in relief before perking up in realisation. "Crap, gotta call All Might!"

The greenette pressed the button to All Might's channel on his communicator, "All Might, Status report"

"Oh, Young Izuku! Surprisingly, everything's under control"


"Young Izuku?"

"WHAT?!" The freckled teen yelled in shock, "I thought it was going to be much more difficult!"

"Ah well, you see, only five Nomu were active and we took them down. The others are still, well, uh incomplete? I think. Jeanist and Mirko have apprehended the scientist here. He's currently unconscious"

"You didn't cut their power supply, right?" Nezu asked, joining the conversation from his communicator.

"No. Mt. Lady was about to but Gran Torino stopped her"

"More like kicked me in the ribs" the hero yelled in the background.

Izuku chuckled, remembering how the senior hero literally drop-kicked All Might into the wall an hour ago. Something about him reading the letter and All Might being an absolute idiot.

Nezu grinned and turned to the greenette, "I think you should inform the same to Aizawa and Hawks before they leave"

Izuku nodded and immediately switched channels, "Aizawa-san, Keigo-nii! Do you copy?"

"What is it, Kitten?! Are you alright?!"

"Nugget?! Are you okay? Wait, I'm coming-"

"I'm alright!!!" Izuku yelled, slightly embarrassed. "Team B has successfully taken down the lab. It seems only five Nomu were active and the others were incomplete. The police have taken them and the scientist behind the experiments into custody"

"So…. Total success?" Hawks asked, voice filled with hope.

A huge smile spread on Izuku's face, "Total success"

"Good. Stay there, I'm coming to get you" the coffee-addicted father instructed before logging off.

"Not if I get there first!" Izuku heard Hawks yell and Aizawa shout incoherent profanities in the background. The greenette giggled and fell back onto the ground.

"I think I'm gonna nap… like, a lot"

Nezu chuckled and patted Izuku's hair with a satisfied smile. "We've taken down the LOV. What next?"

"Hmm? The Hero Commission, of course!"

Both the evil geniuses grinned sadistically, causing Hawks and Aizawa- who, by the way, was hanging off the winged hero's back, his scarf tied around Hawks's torso (like he used Hawks as a literal flying broom)- to sweatdrop.

The heroes wrapped their work up and headed towards UA. They had a lot to discuss.

Izuku's pro hero family (UA staff chat)Where stories live. Discover now