Chapter 56: Her Visit

Start from the beginning

Fuck, I knew which chair she was referring too and I couldn't help but feel my cock get hard as it came to mind. I remembered sitting in that chair. I remembered being tied to it, bent over another time, and she completely fucking my brains out. It was probably one of the most amazing – okay, forget that. it doesn't rank on the list anymore but at that time, that was everything.

The bigger question here is who would want to be with her? Who was dumb enough to accept her, knowing the games that she was capable of? How can you be that – oh wait, I was that dumb once upon a time so I can't yell at this person too badly. After all, she's pretty damn easy to keep your eyes locked on.

But why would you want to reuse that chair with someone else? You'd think that you wouldn't want your new person to have any reminders of the past. You'd think that'd be something you'd want to burn and get rid of.

"You can come in and get the chair because I don't want it," I tell her, because frankly, I didn't want those reminders of anything to do with her in my mind. I would rather forget she even existed to be honest, as tough as that was sometimes.

I allow her inside the house, following me down the long hallway. I truthfully didn't want to do this. There was a reason why I hadn't been back in that room since we broke up. I know I could send her down here by herself, but fuck, I don't trust her worth any part right now. But I also knew I didn't want to face the room.

I allow my hand to turn the doorknob, knowing the faster that she got this precious chair, the faster that I would get rid of her so I wouldn't have to deal with her ass ever again.

As the knob turns the full 180 degrees, I feel a cloth pressed against my mouth. I push against her hand, getting her back a bit, though feel it pressed right against as she brings up her other hand with it. I try to repeat the process, knowing this probably wasn't a good thing, though the scent of what the cloth contained was too much.



Where am I? Why can't I move my hands, or legs for that matter? Why do I feel like I am naked, with metal pressed against my body parts?

"It's nice to see you finally have come to," I hear a female voice, snapping my eyes open immediately.

I remembered leading her down the hall. I remembered Kaitlyn showing up at my place, and there she now stood right before me completely naked. I remembered the cloth....

"What the fuck is this bullshit?" I immediately question, pulling with every bit of strength that I could against the restraints that bound me to the wall. Why couldn't I break these free? Why did she have to convince me to get the good ones?

"Oh will you please relax?" She questions as she closes the gap between us, which causes me to tense up immediately. There was no way that I was going through with this. "I can see something else is enjoying it anyway."

"Fuck you." What else was there to say? She had me exactly where she wanted me, and there was nothing that I could do. I could scream with all of my might, I suppose. I could ask for Suri to make a phone call, but that wasn't going to work with my phone at the other end of the house. Maybe screaming would work, even if nobody was around. Maybe somebody could stop by. "Help!"

"Nobody is going to save you, Chase. We're all alone here..." Why did I let her in my house to begin with? I should've known this would happen considering Ryan and Isabelle ran into her the other week. That should've been a big enough warning.

"So what's your mighty plan?" I should get a warning at least. Like, when are you going to let me go? That'd be great right about now. I'd forget this even happened if she did that.

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