Against my better judgment and my one hell of a headache, I peeled myself off the haphazardly thrown duvet and slowly peeked at the spot beside me, knowing that this'll potentially change my life forever, but to no avail seeing as no one was beside me.

I didn't know if I should feel relieved or not though.

Grasping my purse in one hand, I trudged towards the door, fully aware that when I opened it, he might pop out of nowhere. Beforehand, however, I was met with a reflection of someone that I couldn't quite pinpoint anymore. The mirror propped against the navy blue wall delineated a person who screwed things over and someone who was a shell of the person I was.

I stepped away from the piece of glass that haunted me to no end and yanked the door open amenably.

With the initiative to escape my thoughts, I was then met with a whiff of delectable waffles and pancakes and the - might I admit - stellar view of the guy cooking it.

I knew that under no circumstances would I ever have a one-night stand nor would I even stay for breakfast knowing that the tension would be felt during the midst of it. Either way, I also knew that he would definitely catch me lingering a few feet behind him if I don't make a beeline for the door.

I tried to sidestep anything, which would construct a sound that could undoubtedly pull me down into an abyss of embarrassment - despite my prior nonchalance, that is. However, that plan blew out of proportion when he suddenly looked over his shoulder when I inadvertently stepped on one of the creaking floorboards.

Well, I guess I really had to bear the brunt of my actions instead of weaselling my way out of it.

And, what else could you expect from a fucked up teenager other than another fuck up?

I felt all the words I was supposed to say lodged in my throat and my back fully pressed against the wall. All my previous nonchalance just crumbled and fleeted into thin air because all I know right at this moment was that there was no going back.

Catching my current situation, a gleam of amusement crossed his features. Aside from that, he also made a show of running his eyes over me. It was enough to thunder the beating of my heart and casually send me over the edge.

What was there to see, but a social-recluse and an angst-ridden teenager clutching to her purse like her whole life depended on it?

Despite my thoughts, I noticed that he was attractive - if that word even did him justice - with his unkempt light brown hair, but it could've looked caramel if it weren't for the crystalline chandelier looming above our heads and his eyes that were the sharpest shade of hazel I've ever seen in my entire life -

They looked like a little green up close, said a voice deeply woven inside of my head.

How I ever knew that, I would never know seeing as I wouldn't try to figure out something that would clearly piss me off as it is.

"Why are you in such a hurry, love? I make one hell of a breakfast that you'd never want to pass it up," he momentarily cast a look at me and winked before he turned back to his initial spot.

How he was cavalier about all of this, I would never come to know. How he managed to whip up breakfast with his hookup despite its casualties was a lot perplexing for me.

As he tossed up the skillet, his sinewy arms contracted at the smallest movement. Given that his bare back was on full display, I looked away and zeroed my attention to the television screen.

Despite the fact that my focus on him wavered, I stood rigidly brassbound and a little speechless at his remark. My mouth probably was still agape. Apart from the fact that he's marginally tolerable - which is a rather pleasant surprise - I didn't know if I was overstaying my welcome if I stayed for breakfast. I already stayed the bloody night, for God's sake. And, it was unnerving to see my mistakes unfold in front of me.

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