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TW// Graphic Imagery
Implied assault

Tonight I was attacked I hardly remember it. It's all a blur, I think I was hit on the head, large portions of my dress were ripped and there was so much blood. Hot tears streamed down my face in the agony. Am I dying? Of course, I knew it was bound to happen but I kept trying to ignore that fact. I wanted to have a hero's death on the barricades. I didn't want this. As my eyes start to close I pray. I've never prayed before but what's the harm in trying. Stay awake. Stay awake. Everything starts to go fuzzy however I see a figure approach. It takes a while but I eventually make it out to be Eponine.
"(Y/N)" echoes in my mind.


Next thing I know I'm in someone else's clothes laid in a bed, it's comfortable and it's warm. I assume I must be back home maybe it was all a strange dream after all, I scrunch my eyes tight and open them to find...a strange apartment and all Les Amis l'ABC stood around the bed. Upon my awakening, they all seem relived.
Especially Enjolras!
Am I reading too much into that? I probably am. He's probably just glad that my funeral isn't going to eat in to time which could be spent planning the revolution.
"What happened?" I ask dazed.
"You were attacked..." Eponine says guiltily.
After seeing her remorse I give her a comforting smile. "I remember you saving me 'Ponine. Thank you" she smiles slightly but I can tell that she still feels bad. I'll talk to her about it in private later.
Joly checks over me medically and says I could be concussed and should rest but not sleep.
"Do you have any family we can take you to?" Marius asks.
I shake my head
"Shall I tell the police?"
"No!" I snap back almost immediately.
"It's okay. They don't have to know you're involved in the revolution" he adds.
I didn't mean to explode like that but I can't take it back now.
Everyone seems stunned into silence.
"Sorry Marius, I didn't mean to shout it's just..."
Before I know it I'm crying and tell them all about being Javert's ward and running away to join the revolution and I'd been living on the streets for months. After I've  finished the stunned silence continues. My heart is pounding, how will they react. To my surprise it's Enjolras that breaks the silence.
"Joly, is (Y/N) allowed to eat?" He asks.
"Yes" Joly replies
"Then someone get her something to eat! Put it on my tab! She must be starving!" He turns to me "Are you hungry?" He asks.
I nod.

Enjolras said (Y/N)! He didn't dismissively use my last name like before! And he cares about wether I starve of not! Okay, maybe my bar's a little low but still. Could be worse.

The others sense an overload of tension and use it as an excuse to leave.
A varying chorus of
"We'll be back in a minute" ensues. And Enjolras and I are alone. Wait! What if this is when he shows his true colours, what if he kicks me out or thinks I'm a traitor!

"I should have told you sooner but you were already finding it difficult to trust me, I wanted to show I was..." I babble guiltily
"(Y/N) it's okay, I trust you don't worry just, please rest." he reassures me.
"I know but..." I interject
"Rest, come on, that's an order...don't make me put on my revolutionary voice" He teases
"Are you going soft on me, Enjolras" I tease back
"You're unwell." he states "and the others will never hear of this, understood?" he's starting to slip back into his 'revolutionary voice' now
"Yes Enjolras" I reply, overly militantly.
He seems to contemplate cracking a smile but ultimately doesn't. He just sighs.
"Now for goodness sake! Stop trying to apologise for something you can't control and try to relax! I will not lose one of our fiercest members before the revolution has even begun! I trust you; if anything, I have even more respect for you now than I did before!" He tells me, semi-firmly.
"Enjolras?" I ask
"Yes?" he responds
"You said that I was one of the revolution's 'fiercest members' was that an actual compliment or a 'you just got beaten up' compliment?" I ask.
"Not many people would do what you did to support the cause, (Y/N). Of course I mean it."

I don't know how to cope with the compliment so I jokily say:
"Not bad for another 'spoiled rich girl'"
I bring up a phrase which I overheard him say to Grantaire once while I was in the back room of the tavern.
Almost instantly, he goes pale:
"My apologies...I didn't know you'd heard that...please forgive me Mademoiselle...in my defence most of the girls who've joined so far have done so because they're attracted to me. They're not interested in the true fight!"
He rambles slightly then smoothly turns it into one of his rants.
"Oh it must be hard being so handsome! Oh woe is you!" I laugh.
"They're not my words. The women in this town are not exactly subtle."
He defends himself.
"I know, I know I'm joking", I say
"I am sorry I misjudged you though. I truly am" he apologies once more.
"It's fine I totally get it. You're more than forgiven; although then again, I never blamed you. There's a moment of silence between you two...

Then suddenly:

Like some sort of hurricane, the others all swarm back in. They managed to get me some sort of broth and some bread.
"Finally!" Enjolras has gone serious again barking instructions at everyone. He's trying to make sure that I'm awkwardly propped up on the bed while someone is feeding me. It's all rather chaotic. After internally laughing at the scene for a little bit too long I sit up on the edge of the bed.
"If someone brings a table I should be fine" I tell them.
With that Marius and Grantaire bring over a small table. Just then I being to fall backwards onto the bed. Noticing this, Enjolras sits next to me and puts a strong arm around me for support as I eat.

I take the actual eating of the meal slowly to let my stomach get used to it. After all, I don't want to be sick but it is wonderful and the pain in my stomach I've been ignoring for weeks begins to setting slowly. I'm actually somewhat euphoric. For the first time in ages, I have hot food, not to mention, Enjolras' arm around my waist.

Once I've eaten. Joly does one last check and confirms what we know. Upon hearing the verdict, I start wondering where I'll go next; the streets are hardly a  place for recovery. Without hesitation, Enjolras declares:
"(Y/N) your staying here until you recover don't worry I'll sleep in the chair. I'm not taking no for an answer."
I feel bad invading his space however, I do have no other choice. Besides when Enjolras gets like this it's easier to agree with him. After he's spoken, he lays me back down, not even waiting for a response.
"The rest of you can go if you want to. I'm fine watching her. I have a lot of work to do up here for the next few weeks anyway."
And with that, the others slowly begin to leave. Joly is the last to depart as he's busy going over my condition and what I need with Enjolras. But, after a while, he's gone to.
It's just me and Enjolras.
Alone once again.

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