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Even though I feel absolutely ecstatic after the meeting, one thing still fills me with dread. The gutter tonight. So far, it had been abysmal, and it's not like tonight would be any better. It's freezing, the rain hammers down, it feels like tiny ice daggers piercing my skin, but I can cope; I have to cope. Upon arriving on my usual street, I huddle up, knees against my chest. I sit in the cold, desperately trying to warm myself, when a small boy approaches, who I instantly recognise as Garvroche (even though he thinks we're strangers). He confirms my theory by introducing himself. The two of us end up sitting together for quite some time. In all honesty, as much as I have a lot that I could say to him, I'm reasonably quiet. Mainly because I know that if I say too much, I could let something slip about where I'm actually from. After a while, he grabs a handful of bread from his pocket. I presume it's stolen, but I don't care. To my delight, he hands it to me.
"You look like you could use this."
Hesitantly I look at him, then down to my distinct lack of possessions.
"I'm sorry, but I don't have anything to give you in return". I say sadly
"Don't worry about it, let's just call it a favour", he responds with his usual grin.
"Thank you; I will repay you somehow; just let me know when."
I hold out my hand; he shakes it.
Even though it seems as though it would be incredibly bland, that bread is the most satisfying thing that I have ever eaten. I take it slow and savour each bite; I even force myself to save some; after all I don't know when I'll get my next meal from. Once again, I barely sleep, I need to survive. My once pristine dress is soaked through, dirty and cold so no matter what I do I feel like I'm going to freeze. Pneumonia can't be far away. I'm fine. Keep breathing. Stay awake. I'm fine. Morning. Finally.

I go to work for my few sous as usual. I quickly try to make myself look slightly more presentable. I'm slowly getting the hang of the job. I can serve people fairly efficiently now. Occasionally, I'll try to flirt with the richer patrons, in order to earn a higher tip. Given the state I'm in, it rarely works however occasionally it will. Suddenly, something happens that makes my heart sink. Grantaire enters. Of course he does this most days however usually I notice him and quickly swap with whoever's working in the back at the time today, however, I'm not fast enough. Lack of sleep of sleep must have affected my reflexes.

"(Y/N)?" He calls out "what the hell are you doing here?"
"Oh...hi Grantaire" I respond awkwardly. Before he can say another word I hand him a bottle of wine, hoping it will work as a needed distraction. "On the house" I add.
"Oh don't be ridiculous" he pays and tips "you never answered my question"
Oh shit it didn't work.
"Okay...well let's just say that I'm not the spoiled debutante Enjolras thinks I am and if he knew the sacrifices I'd made he'd never question my commitment again...that being said...please don't tell him..." I awkwardly stammer.
"How could I, I was never here" he leans in and adds "I told him I'd stay off the drink"
"Okay so I didn't see you and you didn't see me" I summarise.
"Sounds right to me, I'll see you tonight" he replies.
"See you tonight" I repeat.
And with that he's gone and I am free to carry on with my shift albeit while trying to stay stable.

After what seems like forever, it is finally time for tonight's meeting. I am about to leave the pub as usual and reenter, however as I do so I see Enjolras approaching, so I just swiftly move to the other side of the bar and sit at a table, trying my best to make it seem like I've just arrived.
"(L/N)?" He calls as he enters.
"(Y/N), please." I reply "How are you?"
"You're early" he states matter-of-factly; ignoring my previous remark.
"So are you." I remind him.
"I live upstairs." He reminds me "and besides need to get everything in order!" he says, he seems more tense than usual and I of course know firsthand that he's never this early.
"Are you okay? You seem tense? Can I help?" I ask him.
"I'm fine" is his blunt response.
I know he's lying. I don't want to rile him up any further though so I just wait. After a while in silence he sighs and blurts out:
"There are rumours"
Upon hearing this I instantly start to panic. Did Grantaire tell him I was working here? Did he find out that I ran from Javert? What if he did? Will everything have been for nothing? I take a deep breath and simply reply with:
My heart is still pounding.
"It's General Lamarque"
I try to hide my sigh of relief. Of course I know what he's going to say but I have to pretend I don't.
"What about him?" I ask
"I have reason to believe he may be unwell. If this is the case it could well be a starting point for the revolution! We need to use this to our advantage"
It's strange to see him like this. Especially given the circumstances but I try to help him with his plans. Even though I am in no way qualified to do so. I don't know wether or not my help is appreciated; Enjolras is incredibly hard to read. But he hasn't sent me away yet so I must be doing something right. Before I knew it, everyone is filing in the room. I go to take my usual seat however Enjolras puts a firm hand on my shoulder and walks me over to the seat next to his. I follow obediently
"You helped, it's only right"
I sit down. The meeting begins. Enjolras goes over everything we discussed with the group asking questions. It soon becomes clear that no matter where I'm sat at the table no one will take me seriously but I didn't expect any different. At least I've possibly managed to win Enjolras' approval. But unfortunately, the warm tavern, the light atmosphere and the perfect view of the passion in Enjolras' eyes can't last forever. Eventually it's time to leave and tonight was going to be a rough one...

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