The cell phone slipped off my hand and Atid was fast enough to catch it before it felt to the ground. I couldn't scroll down to read more. This was not what I wanted. I was doing my best, putting in all my efforts to make Ae proud but in end, I have ruined his name. I wouldn't be able to face him after this. I have never cheated on him, neither do I have done anything to deserve something like this. Just normal pictures were made to look as if I was being someone I have never thought about. I started to feel disgusted about myself.

All the voices inside the classroom died when the lecturer entered the class. She almost screamed after looking at the board. Everywhere, my name was scribbled and written with slang words. The lecturer turned around and then looked at me. I couldn't look at her ad bowed my head. She wiped off the things scribbled on board and then started to teach. I just kept listening to lecture with my head down. How can I even face someone after all this?

After the lecture was over, I decided to leave the class and started to collect my books. I couldn't stand the looks in everyone's eyes anymore. "Pete, what are you doing?" Atid asked. "I am leaving. I cannot take this anymore. I am not here to do any such thing. I cannot let people try to make me disgust myself some more." I replied while tears had already started to roll down my cheeks.

"Do you think running away is going to solve the problem? In fact, you are helping the one who had posted those pictures. You are doing exactly what they want you to do. You will run away even though you are innocent and the actual culprit is going to roam around without any guilt. Do you want it? Will you like your family's name to be spoilt?" Atid asked. His words were making sense but staying here was like suffocating.

"What should I do? I don't even know what to do or say. I come here to study. And that is the only purpose of coming here. I tried to avoid Zee but all these turned out to be a trap." I spoke out. "I have a faint idea of who must have done it. But if you run away, we will never be able to prove your innocence. I want you to stay strong and face this. Whoever is responsible for this, I am not going to allow them to live in peace." Atid said gritting his teeth.

His facial expression changed to the angry ones and he looked pissed. He then fished out his cell phone and typed few things and slid it back into the pocket. "Don't worry Pete. I will make sure that the person involved in this will apologize to you in front of the whole college." Atid said.

I looked around and I could still see people's accusing gaze, hatred towards me. Then, there was a lot of noise coming from outside. Thankfully, everyone's attention was diverted there and I could at least breathe but the next moment, I felt choke. I saw Zee enter the class and walk towards me.

Even before I could react, Atid got up and stood in front of me. "I need to talk to Pete!!" Zee said. "No!! You can't!! I cannot allow you people to trouble him more. You already did what you wanted to do. Now at least leave him alone." Atid said. I could see his hands turning into fists while he talked.

"There's some misunderstanding... We didn't do it. Please, I need to talk to Pete. Let me clear this!!" Zee pleaded. "Wasn't it enough that you have already troubled him? If you are really concerned about him, you would leave the class because you are drawing more attention to him. He is already feeling worst. Don't make him feel more degraded." Atid spoke.

"How many times should I repeat it? We haven't done it!! Even I am pissed off after seeing the post. I want to find the person responsible for it." Zee was trying to explain. "Zee, if you want to actually make things right then first find the person responsible for this. Make things right and then come to talk." Atid replied. I could see how much he was holding back from punching Zee.

"Can I just talk to him for a minute? I just need to know something." Zee tried to press. "If we were not inside the class, I would have punched you really hard. I said leave the class!! I don't want people to talk more ill about my friend." Atid was losing his control while he spoke, his voice rising to another level.

"Pete.... Please...." Zee almost begged. "Please leave..... I cannot take this anymore......" I said. Zee pushed Atid aside and walked towards me. I felt his hands on my face and I was shocked. I slapped his hands away and pushed him aside.

"Aren't you happy with what you have done? Aren't you happy after your success? This was what you wanted!! You were purposely bumping into me all these days because you wanted to get this done? How many more pictures do you want to circulate? I knew you were trying to bully me in a different manner but didn't know you can be this horrible..... I hate you Zee... I really hate you... I don't even want to see your face!!" I screamed.

I could see everyone looking at me in shock. I was not able to hold back anymore. They have broken me, my spirit to live life died. After all the things that I have happened previously, Ae had given me a new life to live but this world was really cruel towards me. They took my parents away and now..... they have just broken me.

I left my seat preparing to run towards the door. I wish I could disappear in air like smoke. It would have saved me of all this pain. Why didn't I die along with my parents? Why do I have to live this miserable life to take all the pain? What wrong have I done to be punished like this?

I don't want to go back home. How will I face them after having caused this much damage to their reputation? How will I ever be able to face Ae after this? I know he will hate me. He would be thinking that I have betrayed him. No matter how much I would try to explain, he wouldn't be able to trust me.

I just want to run away. Run away from this place, run away from this people, run away from life.... I can't take it.... I can't. Without spending another minute thinking, I made my decision.

This is it... I have already caused enough trouble to Ae. Wherever I go, trouble will follow me. I should not stay in Ae's life. I wouldn't be able to stand the hate in his eyes. Those eyes that always held love and affection for me, will now be filled with disappointment, betrayal and hate.

I grabbed my bag and shoved all my belongings inside. I don't want to stand here for another second and it will be better if I leave the college now. No one will come to know where I went. Ae is away, Pond is at work, so there is no chance that anyone would come to know. And by the time, they realize, I will be gone.

I am sorry Ae, I can't face you now. It's only you whom I have loved and will always love but you deserve someone better. I am sorry Pond for getting you caught up in this situation but I cannot face you all anymore. I cannot hurt Ae anymore. It's better to leave with happy memories with you rather than sad ones.

I ran past everyone making my way towards the door. "Pete!! Pete!! Stop!!" I could hear Atid shouting but I didn't want to listen. I want to leave.... To go away...

Falling in..... L❤️VEDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora