Chapter 4

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When Remus woke up the next morning, he had to lay deadly still with his eyes closed for about ten minutes until his stomach stopped bubbling. It worked and he felt better until he tried to get up, making him need to make a dash to the bathroom.

Remus dragged himself back to his room, regretting drinking so much. He closed his door and very gently got dressed. Once he pulled on fresh sweat pants and an old t-shirt he took the glass and pills that were on his night stand, he didn't know how they got there but was just glad they were there.

Under the glass was a piece of paper. He took a deep breath to try to shift his headache. Took the paper and began to read.

to sober Remus

last night did happen.

you kiss Sirius, Sirius kissed you

bobby caught us

sent us to separate rooms he seems cool about it

we sexted, Check your phone

I just want future me to know it was real, I told Sirius I loved him, and he said it back. Do not ruin something that has just started. Do not hurt him do not deny it happened!

hold him, treasure him, and love him for the rest of your days.

if not I will fucking kick your ass!

From drunk Remus.

Remus smiled when he read it, drunk him was an idiot. A loving idiot though. As he read a few memories popped into his mind and before long he remembered almost all of last night. Blushing slightly at the memories of him on his knees with his fingers in his ass, it was a good memory though.

He slowly made his way downstairs; he was not prepared for the sight that confronted him as he entered the kitchen. Sirius was standing in a tight white t-shirt and a pair of borrow sweatpants, slightly too big for him hanging low on his predominant hips. His hair was wispy and untidy, from obviously having just woken up. He was pouring Bobby a coffee who grunted a 'thanks' in return from behind his newspaper. The sight took his breath away; the boy he was completely in love with was sat in his kitchen. He wasn't freaked out by last night, he was still here. He stood leaning against the door frame just staring for a few moments. He watched Sirius down a few pills and some coffee, obviously feeling as rough as he did.

After a few moments he swallowed his nerves, swallowed his doubts, remembered the note and pushed himself into the room. He took a seat beside Sirius, they looked to each other and smiled. Sirius seemed shy maybe he was regretting it, in reality, he told himself that it was probably the hangover but Remus was suddenly worried.

"Morning Remus." He was grateful that Bobby didn't let him stew in silence, too scared to break it himself.

"Morning Bobby."

"How you feeling?" He asked moving the paper quirking an eyebrow at him once giving him a proper look. Fuck he thought. Did he look that bad? He shrugged to Bobby, suddenly fighting the urge to throw up. "No sympathy here."

"I know." He mumbled throw a smile, thanking his father figure for the coffee as he pushed a cup over to the suffering teenager.

"your mams having sleepover at her 'friends' house, I'm going to work. Bye boys." With that he stood up and walked out the house without another word. The man obviously wanted to get out of the way for their awkward last night discussion. They sat in silence for a little while, both sipping coffee.

"Sirius." Remus finally able to pluck the courage to speak, but it only came out as a whisper.

"Yes Remus." Fuck Remus thought, he sounded even sexier than he did last night, how was that possible?!

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