Some explaining

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-So I don't think that I was really clear about the settings of the story, and maybe this should have been the first chapter but... whatever :)-

1. THIS IS AN OTOME GAME: The game is called "lies of love" (i don't think I gave this info, it's not even really necessary, if I had already mentioned it with another name I will correct this). we have 4 capture characters ( same as before I don't remember if I have already mentioned it), a couple of minor characters ( like minor villains and cannon fodders), the main villain, and the heroine.

2. IT'S A MAGIC WORLD: There are different types of magic, but NO ONE can create things with their magic, they can only manipulate things (one can extract "create" water only if there are things that contain it, for example, a leaf contains water, so a water mage can manipulate the water within the leaf).
We go from the basic water, fire, wind, and earth magic to more complex ones like clairvoyance, mind-reading, or being capable to shapeshift or speak with animals, and so on.

3. COUNTRIES: Here we have different countries, even if in the story the characters won't travel much, but I may mention some things from them.
There are only two "races" humans and spirits, spirits are everything else that is not human or like normal animals (ex: fairies, ghosts, elves, unicorns, and so on), they have the deepest connection with their element (they more often than not have magic powers connected with the 4 elements), and when they die they return to the element they are connected with.

There are 3 countries:
1) Nesse= medium/big, it's also where the story is placed, it's divided into three parts, called "districts", the first district is near the mountains, the second one is where the nobels alongside the king's castle is situated, and the third district is near the sea.
2)Anda= it's quite big, not unified and fragmented, it's divided into a lot of little cities and it's governed by an assembly that has recently dethroned the previous royal family. Only in a small part of the country, the assembly holds no power because they follow very strong religious beliefs, there live only priests and religious figures like cardinals and the pope of this mysterious religion.
This religion comes from the ancient times, before they had to live in fear of persecution, recently, after the late king dethronation, they started to grow and got more belivers, so they were gifted some lands to establish themselves.
3)The Unexplored Lands= as the name says they are unexplored, they are covered by a very big forest, and a little piece of it divides the two continents. This is considered as neutral land, and it's where the academy resides. The forest that covers these lands is extremely dangerous, there are alsosome rumors that says that it's alive, so non one goes in there.

There might be another country, that is also not really a country, it's a floating island here is situated the magic tower, if in the country of Anda there is a territory for the priests there is also one for mages. It's not known when the tower appeared, it's like it was always there, it floats in the sky.
But remember you don't go to the tower, the tower comes to you.


Ok, so this is the first part of the explanation, I can't write any more aha. I decided to do It because a friend of mine made me notice that I wasn't clear about the story like ok you put there that it's an Otome game but we don't know anything about it.
There are other things that I need to clarify but for today that's it my hands are aching for how long I have been writing.

If everything goes well and if I feel like it the other part of the explanation will be published before next Sunday.

Let me know if you would like a drawing of how the lands are positioned, I would like to let you imagine that but if it's too much of a hassle I will do it :)

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