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Chapter 107

  I saw that the mutant tiger had dragged out the people in the two buds, and was licking the cheek of one of the men, looking very anxious.

  It turned out that there were two men trapped in the buds. They should not be very old depending on their appearance and clothes. They should be the same age as Wang Yiyi and Zhang Heng.

  At this moment, the two of them had their eyes closed tightly, and their faces were pale like a piece of white paper. If it weren't for the slight undulation of their chests, Wang Yiyi would have thought that the two of them had already belched.

  There is a layer of nasal mucus on the two of them, and the sticky feeling should be the digestive juice secreted by the piranha.

  Wang Yiyi took out a basin of water and a towel from the space very scrupulously, but she was an extremely hygienic person, and at this moment did not intend to help them clean up.

  Wang Yiyi really thinks too much. Who doesn't know about her cleanliness family, besides, everyone won't let her do it as a pregnant woman!

  Sure enough, Dad and Zhang Heng took over the matter of cleaning up these two people with a tacit understanding, and Wang Yiyi and his mother also avoided them with a tacit understanding!

  Seeing that it was not too early, Wang Yiyi and his mother led Luo Luo to set up a fire next to them, preparing to camp here tonight.

  "One by one, get some well water out, I'll fill them with some water!" Both of them were cleaned up. Seeing that there was no sign of awakening, Dad wanted to fill them with some space well water.

  After hearing his father's instructions, Wang Yi didn't hesitate at all, and immediately took out the space well water that had been bottled earlier from the space.

  After feeding the two people with space well water, Dad and Zhang Heng carried them to a place close to the fire. After all, the temperature of the mountain at night was still very low.

  During this period, the big white tiger kept guarding beside the two men, watching Wang Yiyi's eyes for a while, this contract beast was simply too domineering.

  Just when Wang Yiyi and the others finished their supper and were ready to enter the tent to rest, the two men leisurely opened their eyes and woke up one after another.

  When mother saw that the two of them were awake, she added some firewood to the fire. Thinking that they would definitely want to eat something, she motioned to Wang Yi to add some water to the pot on the fire so that she could give them some water. People cook some noodles.

  Because of curiosity about the identities of these two people, everyone didn't have the mind to rest. Even Luo Luo stared at the two strange men who had just awakened and were sitting opposite them with a little curiosity.

  The one who awoke first, looked at the younger man, and after confirming that the man next to him was fine, finally heaved a sigh of relief, looking at the complex mood of the rest of his life.

  "You saved us! Thank you!" The older man was obviously weaker. After being lifted up by the young man next to him, he quickly spoke to Wang Yiyi and the others.

  The younger man also seemed to have reacted and said hurriedly, "Thank you, thank you for saving me and my brother!"

  "It's okay, we also happened to meet him! It's your fate to take care of it!" Dad waved his hand when he saw that they were so solemnly thanking him.

  "Uncle, my name is Wang Yu and this is my brother Tian Tao." The older man introduced to everyone.

  After some understanding, Wang Yiyi and the others realized that these two people came to this mountain by accident to avoid a zombie with a speed type ability. For so many days, I have been looking for a way out in the mountains. I didn't think about it but I lost my way and encountered this huge piranha. The two of them didn't notice for a while, and they were bound by the piranha.

  After being bound by the buds of the piranha, the two were still conscious at first, struggling desperately, but gradually they lost their strength and fainted. I thought that this time there was no good fortune, but I never wanted to be discovered by Wang Yiyi and his family. Fortunately, he was rescued.

  And the white tiger next to him had a cute name called Tuantuan, which was a mutant beast that Wang Yu accidentally hit on the contract before encountering this piranha.

  "Wang Yu, such a fierce mutant beast, why did you come up with such a soft name!" Because Wang Yu and Wang Yi were the same age, Wang Yiyi called his name directly.

  Wang Yi looked at the white tiger squatting next to Wang Yu. Although the white tiger was motionless, the aura of the king of beasts could not be ignored. Such a fierce tiger, his owner Wang Yu also looks like a tough guy, why did he give this contract beast such a kawaii name!

  Wang Yiyi was also curious, and asked casually without thinking about it, but Wang Yu was silent before thinking about it. He pursed his lips and never spoke.

Seeing Wang Yu like this, Wang Yiyi knew that he had asked the wrong thing. The two met for the first time today. Although they saved each other, they didn't know each other very well. It seemed a bit offensive to ask such a question.

  She hurriedly explained, "I just saw this white tiger is very mighty and domineering, and then the name Tuantuan is a bit cute, a bit like a girl! I really don't mean anything else! I don't have any bad intentions..."

  Wang Yu saw that Wang had misunderstood one by one, and quickly said, "It's okay, my big man named Contract Beast, so it's no wonder you are curious!

  This Tuan Tuan is really not the name I thought, you are right, my fiancee told me before! She said that if she keeps pets in the future, she will call her Tuantuan. "

  When Wang Yu talked about his fiancée, he stroked the head of the white tiger next to him, his face full of tenderness.

  As soon as Wang saw him like this, he knew that he was a man with a story.

  But the end of the world is here, there are countless family wives scattered, and there are endless tragedies everywhere.

  Looking at Wang Yu's appearance, his fiancee must be dead. Wang Yiyi didn't want to and didn't dare to ask more deeply, for fear of revealing the pain hidden in others' heart again.

  She quickly changed the topic, "Wang Yu, brother Tian Tao, or go to our hope base!"

  According to Wang Yu and the others, the most powerful mutant plant in this mountain should be this piranha. Right now, Wang Yiyi and the others have seen it and solved this hidden danger.

  Besides, there is no room for two tigers in a mountain. There should only be a fierce tiger Tuantuan in this mountain, and he has already recognized the lord. Wang Yiyi's desire to contract mutant beasts was in vain.

  Seeing that there was no need to stay in the mountains, Wang Yiyi and his family decided to return the next day before Wang Yu and Tian Tao woke up.

  "Hope base? Where is this base? Why haven't I heard of it!" Wang Yu raised his head and asked with a puzzled expression on his face.

  He has heard of several government-built bases, but he has never heard of the Hope Base.

  "Oh, it's our village! Haven't Wangjiawan heard of it? Our village is not far from the Wangjiawan Reservoir! Now it's renamed Hope Base!"

  My mother looked at the puzzled look of Wang Yu and Tian Tao, and immediately hurriedly exposed the old bottom of her own base.

  "Well, yes! It's the base that the village has rebuilt!" What else can Wang Yiyi do, he can only nod his head in agreement.

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