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Chapter 44-Power Upgrading

  This time the fire finally ignited, and the vines kept making "sizzling" noises in the sea of ​​flames, but they could no longer take a step forward.

  The fire is too big, and it feels like a sea of ​​fire on the entire first floor! Without Zhang Heng's mental power barrier, Wang Yiyi felt that he would be roasted in the next second.

  Despite the mental barrier, Wang Yiyi still felt that heat waves were coming, like just coming out of an air-conditioned room in a scorching summer, and his pores were clamoring for heat.

  She moved two buckets of well water out of the space and poured herself to the bottom, finally feeling a touch of comfort.

  "Would you like?" Wang Yi asked kindly, looking at Zhang Heng who turned around when he heard the movement.

  Unexpectedly, the other party quickly turned his head aside, "I don't need it! Get two gas tanks out!"

  Wang Yiyi didn't care. According to his instructions, he took out two gas tanks with the stove, "The time is urgent, I haven't had time to dismantle, just throw them in together!"

  Zhang Heng nodded, picked up the gas tank and threw it towards the second floor. Soon, there was a violent "banging" explosion from the second floor.

  Although Wang Yi knew that the mental power barrier could protect her from the blast wave, she still got into the space very embarrassingly at the last second.

  In her opinion, there is no safer place than space. If there is a good place, it would be an idiot.

  After the explosion was over, Wang Yiyidrilled out of the space, and all kinds of uncomfortable feelings came again as soon as the space emerged.

  Wang Yi trot a few steps quickly, followed closely behind Zhang Heng, and walked towards the second floor together.

  To be honest, Wang Yiyi didn't want to post Zhang Heng too close, but there is no way. The closer you are to Zhang Heng, the better the protection effect of the mental barrier will be on her.

  She also wants to stay in space, but her space can only move with her. The space where she entered last second will be there when she comes out.

  On the second floor, Wang Yiyi saw the female zombie again. Compared with before, this time it was embarrassed a lot, the red skirt on its body had long been blown to pieces, and one of its arms was missing.

  And beside it, on a small bed well protected by it, lying on its side was a "little boy" holding a teddy bear. Because the "little boy" turned his back to Wang and the others, he was not quite sure what it was for a while.

  I don't know why, Wang Yiyi at this moment actually saw anger and unwillingness on the face of the female zombie.

  Without waiting for Wang to continue to observe again and again, a vine stretched out of its palm, just like Zhang Qiang's, but it was obviously not as high as Zhang Qiang's level, and the strength and sensitivity of the vine was far behind Zhang Qiang.

  You know that Zhang Qiang in the team is not Zhang Heng's opponent, let alone this zombie who is obviously inferior to Zhang Qiang? Wang Yi didn't worry at all, and searched for the roots of rose vines on the stairs.

  Sure enough, Zhang Heng dealt with the female zombie three times, and took out the crystal nucleus in its head. This crystal nucleus is obviously larger and greener than the other crystal nuclei seen before, revealing a faint vitality.

  Just when Wang Yiyi's attention was attracted by the crystal nucleus, the "little boy" lying on the small bed suddenly woke up and sat up slowly.

  At this time, Wang Yiyi finally saw its face clearly. The same blue-gray face and small pointed fangs were indeed a zombie.

  The little boy zombies may have been protected by female zombies too well. He hasn't preyed independently yet, so he was a little confused. Although Wang Yiyi sighed with the great maternal love, the zombies could not be kept after all, so he was ruthlessly dealt with.

  And Wang Yiyi finally found a potted plant in the corner of the second floor. What is it that is not a vine's nest!

  In addition to the dried-up rose vines, there was a small green bud in the flowerpot, as if it had just grown out, with only one or two leaves.

  Wang Yi took out a small shovel from the space and digged it towards the depleted rose vine. I don't know if it was an illusion, Wang Yiyi felt that the green shoots actually hid from the side.

  Wang Yi thought about digging out the old roots of rose vines and asking Zhang Heng to destroy it with a fire, so as not to harm others again. But unexpectedly, the shovel was hindered, as if it had dug a stone.

  "This rose vine fruit is really mutated, and it actually has a crystal core!" Wang Yi took the crystal core he had just dug out, and said to Zhang Heng back.

  Unexpectedly, Zhang Heng was already pale and leaning against the corner of the wall. Wang Yi was shocked and hurried over to check, he was about to touch Zhang Heng's forehead.

  "It's okay, I should have upgraded my ability!"

  "Oh, it's okay!" Hearing Zhang Heng say this, Wang Yiyi also relieved. He hugged the flower pot in the corner to Zhang Heng's side, and prepared to study the nucleus of this mutant rose while guarding Zhang Heng.

  Since Zhang Heng is upgrading her abilities, he can't help her. Wang Yiyi could only take out the lighter from the space, lit the old roots of the rose vine, and manually destroyed the harmful plant.

  "Hey! Are you still refined?" The green bud in the flowerpot was still rubbing the crystal core a second before, but the moment Wang Yi looked at it, he stood up straight.

  Wang Yi picked up the crystal nucleus and looked carefully at it, how the color of the crystal nucleus resembled its little spiky ball, green and black. This should be a good thing, because Wang Yi felt that green bud coveted the crystal core, but he seemed to be afraid of her and didn't dare to take the wrong time.

  "I can't give this to you, but I can replace you with two smaller ones!" Wang Yi took out two ordinary zombie crystal nuclei from the space and threw them beside Green Bud.

  And the green bud seemed to understand her meaning, shaking her body very excitedly. When she put the crystal nucleus in the flowerpot, countless roots protruded from the root of the green bud, densely wrapping the two crystal nuclei.

  I saw the two crystal nuclei getting smaller and smaller until they were completely gone, and the roots, after absorbing the crystal nuclei, shrank back into the soil again. Had it not been for that green bud was now rubbing against Wang Yiyi's palm flatly, Wang Yiyi would have thought he had hallucinations.

  "Oh, you seem to be a little uncomfortable!" Wang Yi picked up the flower pot and looked at the green buds.

  And that Green Bud seemed to understand, and nodded in agreement.

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