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Chapter 28-After the Zombie Tide

  The villagers who suffered this heavy damage suddenly became united as never before, and the past caress about life and death became insignificant.

  After the madness of collective venting, everyone did not dare to be immersed in the grief of losing their loved ones for a long time, because no one knew what crisis would be in the next second, and it would be hard to say whether oneself would be in this world the next second.

  Now that everyone has survived, we must live well and not let relatives sacrifice in vain.

  The thick and densely packed corpses of zombies outside the wall burned all night, and the bright red flames illuminated most of the night sky.

  In the dark night, as the piles of corpses of zombies turned into ashes, as well as the deep grief of the villagers, they were all buried in the newly added burial mound at the back of the ancestral hall.

  This wave of zombies not only brought grief, but also brought a lot of life to this small village. In dealing with zombies, many ordinary villagers awakened their offensive abilities. Among them, there were two rare metal abilities. The walls in the sub-village can finally be upgraded from soil walls to metal walls.

  After the fire outside the fence was completely extinguished, without Zhang Heng's appeal, the villagers mobilized collectively, pushing carts one by one, carrying hoes and dustpans. Those who didn't know thought they wanted to work in the fields collectively.

  Under the scorching sun, the villagers silently buried their heads in the black ashes, pulling the crystal nucleus, as if to vent something. After all the crystal nuclei are collected, it is also very spectacular, with more than a dozen sacks filled with bulges.

  This time the crystal nucleus was the fruit of the labor of everyone in the entire village, and Zhang Heng was also unambiguous, and was evenly distributed to everyone that night. Many villagers who still don't have the awakening ability so far have offered to propose that they don't need crystal nuclei, but Zhang Heng still allocated a lot of them.

  "You don't have abilities now, it doesn't mean that you won't have abilities in the future, you can always use them.

  It is yours if it is allocated to you. As for whether you keep it for yourself or use it now, it is your decision, and I won't interfere. "Zhang Heng said to all the villagers very strongly.

  "Abilities are to be used continuously, practice makes perfect, quantitative changes cause qualitative changes. Now we have enough crystal nuclei, and everyone can use as many abilities as possible every day."

It may be that everyone has listened to what Zhang Heng said, or that the zombie wave this time has taught everyone too deep a lesson. Wang Yi found that everyone in the village had become different, and he had found what he wanted to do.

  The wind-type thunder-type abilities are constantly smashing the dead trees with their abilities on the mountain, while the power-type abilities have carried the dead trees they chopped down to the bottom of the mountain; some of the earth-type abilities are helping to build houses, Part of it is to repair the wall with the metal supernaturalists.

  Even fire-type abilities have found their own use in the kitchen. They use the flames released by the abilities to help cooking, but they still can't control the fire. The flames grow bigger and smaller, and burn several large pots. .

  Wang Yiyi's powers couldn't be used at all without zombies, he could only help his mother organize her recycling bin, no, it should be a material station.

  Zhang Heng deliberately set aside several warehouses for the material station, and his mother took the women and children in the village who had no awakening ability to sort out the materials that Wang Yiyi and the others had collected.

  Now the material station is also very different, a bit like a small warehouse, one for home life, one for hardware parts...Even the pots, pots, and needles have their own shelves.

  After the walls of the village were reprocessed by the earth-type and metal-type superpowers, they finally reached a high-end atmosphere! The thick soil wall is covered with a dazzling metal layer. Although the metal layer is not very thick due to its weak power, it is much stronger than before.

  Just when everything in the village was on the right track, Zhang Heng convened a meeting between the backbone of the superpower and several elders in the village. Of course, this also included Wang Yiyi.

  "The village has experienced this catastrophe. I think everyone should have their own ideas about the future of the village. You might as well speak out and discuss it together." Zhang Heng, who was sitting in front, spoke first.

  "The strength of the village is too weak, and another wave of zombies will be vulnerable!" An elderly man expressed his concerns with a worried expression on his face.

  "It is imperative to improve your strength!" The others nodded in agreement.

  Wang Yiyi is now wholeheartedly thinking about building the village well, and can't wait to express his own thoughts, "If the strength is too weak, we must go out and practice. Only by constantly fighting against the zombies, our abilities will improve."

  "Well, then you should bring more manpower when you go out this time!" Another elderly man echoed Wang Yiyi.

  Zhang Heng shook his head and expressed his opposition, "The supernatural powers in the village should go out in a team. If they always follow us, there will be no progress every time."

  "Besides, there are too many things that need to be done now, and it is more efficient to spread out." Zhang Heng then said his thoughts.

  "Yes, the zombies near the village will be cleaned up. These zombies are mobile. Today this one is cleaned up, and tomorrow the zombies from elsewhere will come over again."

  "There are still people to be arranged on the fence, taking turns to be on duty!"

  "Building houses in the village also requires a lot of manpower."

  "There are also limited supplies, and they need to be collected continuously."


  As Wang Yi listened to everyone enumerating them one by one, there were five big characters floating in his mind: "We are short of people"! Now, there are a lot of zombies in this world, and it's hard to meet a living person.

  "You can't stop cutting trees up the mountain. Now that the trees are dead, I need to prepare more firewood for the winter in the village! This summer is so hot, it is estimated that there will be extreme weather in winter.

  Housing, if everyone has a place to live, you can take your time!

  The zombies near the village should be scattered, or the fish that slipped through the net after the tide of zombies, the risk factor is not high, and those without abilities can also be arranged! "

  Zhang Heng gave a general direction of action by three times and five divided two. The next thing to do is to team up according to their own preferences and then do different tasks.

  There is no doubt that the first group of people who followed Zhang Heng Wang to the water plant still chose to follow them, the motorcycle squad or the motorcycle squad.

  "Last time the supplies from Shangjia Village have not been transported back, I am going to lead our team to Shangjia Village tomorrow!" Zhang Heng said first.

  Slowly, he said solemnly, "Other matters in the village, I have to trouble a few elders to stare at! The manpower arrangement in the village, you have to bother too!"

  Elder Zhang, an old man whose status is second only to that of the original village chief, touched his gray beard and said, "Go with peace of mind, there are us in the village, so you won't have any worries!"

  "We old men can't beat zombies. It's more than enough to manage a village!"

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