Chapter 06

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Have a nice day mga xianas, gusto ko lang ulit iremind sainyo na may mga bagay akong i aadd na alam naman nating walang kinalaman sa mga tauhan especially to their hobbies. Hindi din naman kase ako sigurado of what they love. And if you are very sensitive to this story please do leave this without a bad comments.

I'm accepting critism to those loyal readers of mine, but if you really want to critic this story/stories including my completed story please consider to message me in my social media accounts.

writer's media:

@Arroxia Wp on facebook
@osxiaaa on instagram
@oxiscia on twitter
@marcosegacy on tiktok

random qoute for you all!!

• Never force anything, just let it be
If it's meant to be, it will be.

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