"But I really dont like this girl." She sighed loudly. 

"Well, who is she?" I asked scooting away from her. 

I heard her giggle. "I cant tell you silly, its a secret." She placed her finger on her lips and shushed me right in my ear. 

I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. "So then why do you hate her?" I asked trying to ignore her eyes burning through the back of head.

Then it was like the temperature dropped 30 degrees. The air got thinner and colder. 

"She hurt you Harry." Darcy mumbled darkly. "She hurt me too." 

"What do you mean?" I asked standing up facing her. 

"When you tried loving her the only thing she did was push you away!" She shrieked in grief. "She betrayed you! And you just-" She yelled on the top of her lungs and knocked over a chair trying to get to the table. 

I stood there paralized. Darcy was going out of control.

"She tried to take you from me, Harry." She faced me again and pulled out two rings in a box. "She tried to get between us." 

I starred at the rings in disbelief. Did Darcy think we were... married? 

"Darcy I think you're mistaken." I protested. "We're not-"

"Married!" Darcy yelled loudly. "I know isnt it wonderful?" She leaped over to me and placed the ring on my finger, and layed her head on my shoudler. 

I pushed her off and stood away from her. "Darcy what the hell are you talking about, we are not married and we never will be!" 

But she rushed over to me again and tried touching my cheek. 

"But I love you, Harry ." She wimpered trying to touch my cheek again but I swatted her hand. 

"Darcy, I dont love you. I love-"

"Dont say her name!" Darcy shrieked throwing her ring at me. "Dont you dare mention it!" Her eyes turned pitch black and her fists were clenched tightly. 

"My heart belongs to Tiffani." I took off the ring from my finger and dropped it on the ground. I started making my way towards the door when Darcy started laughing.

"Too bad she wont trust you to keep her safe anymore!" She picked up the ring from the floor and placed it on her own finger, obserbing it. 

I starred at her nervously. "Why wouldnt she?" 

Darcy started laughing to herself until she looked up at me and smirked evily. 

"Because I got to her first." 


I felt my body levatate into the air. I felt like I was flying into the clouds. I was light as a feather and I actually felt relaxed. There was no nausea, no anxiety no lies or pressure. Everything was enlightened. 

There was a light that shinned so bright but I didnt want to close my eyes to escape it. The more I looked at it, the more it  drawed me closer. 

I was in a state that I had never been at before. I was, at peace.

Then a jolt of lightning surged through the skies. The clouds went from white to dark grey, almost black. 

And the light was turning darker and darker. Pressure started weighing on me again and I felt my head start to spin faster. 

My body stoped flying and I started becoming more and more heavier. 

Then my eyes sprang open. 

It Was Accidentally on Purpose! ║ Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now