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Harry Potter, King's Cross Station

Harry and Remus both hugged Sirius goodbye before they boarded the train, Remus sitting in a different compartment than Harry's so he could spend time with his friends that will arrive shortly. Harry took out Tom's diary from his robe pocket, humming softly. You seem happy, Harry. Tom wrote, as Harry chuckled. Of course I am. I'm going back to Hogwarts, after all. As Harry and Tom were talking and chatting with each other, he felt reality shift. "Harry Potter." Harry paused, before looking up into Bellatrix LeStrange's eyes. "Ms. LeStrange. To who due I own this pleasure?" Harry asked, as Bella chuckled.

"The Dark Lord knows you've found the diary. He is asking for it." Harry blinked, before looking down at the open diary. "Ah. Alright, here you go. Also, tell him Tom has his own wand so once he merges the souls Tom's wand will respond to him as well." Bella took the book into her hands, smiling softly. "Alright." Bella hummed, kissing Harry's forehead softly causing the boy to blush red as the woman disappeared.

Wow, you are very red. Andri hissed gently, as Harry covered his face in embarrassment. Thank you, Harry. He heard Voldemort's voice hum softly, making him chuckle. You're welcome, my Lord. He answered softly, though a small part of his heart aches at the loss of Tom's company. Harry shook his head, before he heard a knock. on the compartment door. "Ah, there you are!" Draco said, as he opened the door, revealing Neville, Ron and Hermione behind him. "Hehe, come on in, I've been lonely." Harry hums, as they all put their things into the overhead space and sat down around him.

As the train calmly navigated its way to Hogwarts and Harry bit into another Pumpkin Tart, all was well.

Until it wasn't.

Harry immediately sensed the Basilisk and its slight anger. When they all reached Hogwarts, all the first and second years were sent immediately to their dorms for safety. "What do you think happened?" Draco asked as they all unpacked their things. "Shouldn't we ask the people who stayed?" Tommy hummed, as Harry nodded. "I'll be right back, ok? You four stay here." The other four nodded as Harry walked out of the room, an invisibility spell protecting him from view.

He quietly walked over to where the teacher's lounge are, listening in to their conversations. "What are we going to do? Dumbledore isn't here and that Basilisk is still roaming the school! Five students were paralyzed just last week!" McGonagall's voice asked worriedly. Five last week? I was only gone for two weeks and she's roaming the school again? Harry thought, confused. "Potter's back, isn't he? Can't he control it?" Snape grumbled, as the other teachers shook their heads.

"He's too young, even if he could speak Parseltongue that doesn't mean he can control the beast." Harry felt an idea pop into his brain. He quietly left the lounge and ran to the Chambers. Before he did go over there though, he stopped by his dorms first to inform his worried friends. "I'm back. There has been a lot of petrifications happening, so the teachers have decided to pause the learning for a while and made sure all of us are safe in our dorms." He said, as the invisibility spell was taken off.

Draco looked into Harry's eyes and widened his own. "You aren't going to face that basilisk, are you?" The other boys snapped their heads towards Harry when the boy nodded. "Guys, I'm the one who can control the basilisk. It makes sense if I go confront it!" Harry said, as his friends blocked the door. "Oh, no you don't! At least let us come with you!" Tommy said in a hurry, as Harry had taken out his wand. They all knew his capabilities, and were extremely worried the boy would force them out of his way. To their surprise however, Harry laughed. "Of course I'm letting you come with me! She's scary!" Harry said as he calmed down, while the other boys sighed in relief.

"Come on then. Bring your wands and make sure you guys have a shield charm protecting you. And close your eyes so you guys don't die." Neville suddenly pulled on Harry's hoodie, causing him to yelp. "Can't we just summon a rooster...?" Neville asked, making Harry smile. "It's a good idea, Neville, but I was just planning on letting it go. If she is free, deep inside the Forbidden Forest, I can cast a barrier charm so she doesn't come near Hogwarts anymore and no one can enter her territory minus her preys." Harry said, as the boys all paused to decide whether it's a good idea or not.

"Well, as long as there's no deaths between all of us, I'll wager it as a good idea." Tommy said, as he twirled his wand using his fingers. "Yeah, plus I'm more worried of the Acromantulas we might face during the trip to the Forbidden Forest instead." Ron shuddered softly, making Harry chuckle. "We'll all be fine. Now come on, we have to move quickly or it'll smell trouble for all of us."

As the five of them walked quietly to the Chambers, Harry was nervously holding onto hope. Hope that none of his friends will actually die. Not tonight, and not in the future.

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