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Harry Potter, Diagon Alley

Harry hummed as Sirius apparated his bags back to the house. As they sat at Florean Fortescue, enjoying some ice-cream, Harry spots Draco and Neville walking with each other. He waved his wand, pulling on Draco's sleeve, making him turn in his direction. "Harry!" Draco said, smiling as he walked over, Neville following behind him. "And hello, Lord Black." Draco and Neville bowed slightly, as Sirius chuckled. "Yes yes, it's nice to meet you guys again. Where is Hermione and Ron? I thought they were coming today?" Draco sighs. "Sadly, Ron has said that he will be a little late. With Hermione, I am not sure, since she doesn't accept owls because her father is allergic to them." Neville said, as he was given a little bit of Harry's ice-cream.

"Well we'll go look for them, won't we?" Harry said, as he smiled. Draco and Neville nods, as Sirius chuckled. "Right, while you boys go on an adventure I'll stay here. Maybe I'll go looking for something in Knockturn." Harry laughed softly. "Right. See you back home, Siri." Harry said, as he and the others start to walk towards the Bank. "I'll take it you love living with Sirius, huh Haz." Neville said, as Harry laughed. "Yes yes. He's very pleasant to live with, plus he tells me stuff about my parents, how my father is a Transfiguration prodigy, how my mother is amazing at Charms..." Harry said, before he spotted Hermione standing on the stair, talking with her parents.

"Mione! We're over here!" Hermione smiled, as they walked over. "It's so good to see you! All of you. But... where's Ron?" Harry hummed, before spotting a gaggle of red hair walking towards them. "My guess, he's over there." He hummed, pointing to where the gaggle is, smiling. "Harry! Draco! Neville, Hermione!" Ron said, smiling as he approached them, Fred and George following behind him. "Ron! How are you?" Hermione asked, as Harry and the others glanced between each other. "Budding romance?" Draco whispered. "Budding romance." Harry and Neville answered, nodding.

"Come on, we need to go buy books." Hermione said, as she pulled on Ron and Neville's sleeves, while Draco, Harry, Fred and George followed behind them. They pushed past the people gathering to meet Gilderoy, meeting the other Weasleys in the process. "Mum, please!" Ginny begged, as Molly Weasley was staring at Gilderoy. "Mrs. Weasley! I believe we haven't met?" Harry said, as he pulled her attention away. "Ah, Harry! Yes yes, nice to meet you!" Harry smiled, before the rest of his friends introduced themselves to her.

He casted a silent locating spell, collecting the books that all of them need, even the Weasleys. He then handed them out, one by one. "Wait, I thought we need Lockhart books?" Draco asked, as he was handed Potions for Year 2. Harry sighed. "Do you trust him? Like, really?" Harry asked, as the rest shook their heads. "Exactly, now let's go- ack!" Harry yelped, as he crashed into someone. "My, Draco, I didn't remember Mr. Potter being this clumsy when he came to our house." Lucius Malfoy said, as he helped the boy up. "Father! What are you doing here? I thought you were at the Ministry?" Draco asked, as Lucius smiled. "I was just checking on Mr. Lockhart. Since... he's going to be your Professor, so I want to see if he's qualified for it."

Draco sighed. "Right. You only want the best for everyone at school." Harry nods, smiling. Lucius ruffled Draco's hair, before walking up to the man, as he paled. "Right, let's bounce. Meet back up with Sirius at Florescue's." Harry hummed, before he turned to the Weasleys. "Come on! My treat." Molly and Arthur were slightly embarrassed, but they allowed their children to enjoy the ice-cream. "Honestly, Harry. You spoil us." Harry laughed softly. "It's alright! I don't mind. It's fun to spend time with my friends." Harry said, as he ate some of his ice-cream.

When it was dusk, and the sky has turned purple-pink, Harry parted with his friends, promising to meet again on the first day back. Sirius hummed as they walked together to the Floo network. "So, did you have fun?" Harry smiled. "Yes. It was pleasant. Did you get anything good in Knockturn?" Harry asked, as Sirius shrugged. "There was this guy, offering a diary from the 50's, but I didn't buy it since it looked bland." Harry paused. "Wait, can I see this diary?" Sirius raised an eyebrow, as Harry smiled innocently. "Alright fine. Come on, quickly now." Harry and Sirius jogged over to Knockturn, Sirius' wand lighting up as he led the boy to the shop.

"Here it is, and lucky you its still open." Harry nods, before he entered the shop. "Oh, welcome child. What do you need, from my humble shop?" Harry hummed, as he eyed the diary on the counter. "Can I have that?" Harry asked, as he gestured to the diary. He could feel the Horcruxes trying to reconnect, so he was 100% sure it was the diary. "Sure! 50 Galleons and 30 Sickles." Harry nods, taking out the needed coins. The man nods, giving Harry the book as he takes the coins.

Harry stepped out, smiling softly as Sirius wrapped his arm around his shoulder, making sure not to mess with the sleeping serpent. "So, are you satisfied?" Harry hummed, nodding as he flipped through the diary.

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