A Month To Live (2)

Start from the beginning

I approached the door at a casual pace, yawning in the process and pulling out my phone to check it at last. There were many missed calls - why wouldn't there be? I'd been ignoring it for the last couple days and my situation wasn't exactly the best... the dying girl left the house with all of her clothes and money and disappeared to God knows where. They can't send the police after me to bring me back because I'm eighteen and it's pretty clear I wasn't abducted or anything. Not that, that stopped the cops from dragging me to this hell hole, however.

I swiped away all the messages and pop ups about missed calls and voicemails then scowled at my phone for helping people keep in contact with me. I sighed before putting it on airplane mode for the time being. At least that would stop them from trying to call. The messages would still come through though, and I didn't have the heart to block everyone. Yet.

Depends how annoying they became, you know.

'You're blocking the whole entrance,' an irritated voice said, making me realise that I had stopped walking and was currently leaning against the doors to the school. I yawned once more to show my disinterest to the stranger. See what I mean about manners these days?

'Then walk around, idiot,' I told him in an attempt to annoy him further.

I did like irritating  people who deserved it. Especially strangers. It was amusing to see what got under people's skin. I suppressed a smile and kept up the disinterested pose, pretending to be reading something on my screen.

'That's kind of a problem seeing as you're leaning against the door,' he replied in the same irate tone. I nearly laughed at this but once again held myself in check.

I rolled my eyes and shoved the phone back into my pocket, deciding to end this guy's misery and see just how much trouble I'd be in for showing up late.

'Whatever,' I replied, before spinning around and tugging the door open. I didn't even bother looking back to see who had spoken to me.

To my surprise, I came face to face with one of the cops that had picked me up yesterday and I scowled at him, this time not playing.

'Ah, here you are,' he said with a scowl that was equal to my own. 'Late what a surprise -  I knew you were trouble when I saw you!'

My glare intensified at his assumption. I was a little late, that didn't mean I was hanging around street corners like a prostitute or waiting to rob a bank. Okay, both of those were extreme examples but... you get my drift. People shouldn't always assume the worst about other people. It led into a vicious cycle usually and I didn't have enough time to deal with bullshit like this.

'Yeah sure,' I said walking around him, not bothering to come up with a better answer.

I didn't want to antagonise him further - okay I didn't want to get myself into any more trouble would be a more truthful answer. Next think you know they'd have me picking up litter from the side of the highway. That would really piss me off because I went out of my way to not litter and I never threw stuff out of my car window.

'To be honest, I thought you'd be a no show,' he called from behind me. Looks like he enjoys pissing people off too. 'You don't seem motivated enough to turn up to the first couple of lessons so I don't see why you bothered turning up at all,' he added.

'I may not be motivated enough to learn but I am definitely motivated enough to kick your ass,' I muttered to myself sullenly as I approached the reception desk, not sparing him a second glance or word. I heard the door slam shut behind him.

The best way to deal with people in authority was agree and move on to get rid of them. People like that cop just looked for an excuse to get others into more trouble and I wasn't going to take the bait.

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