Chapter 4: Taken Over

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The skies were gray and fog was coming in and in the land of Adventure Bay the buildings were crumbled and no car was moving. Over at Town Hall, Xavier was busy dealing with a citizen.
"How Dare you disrespect me?!" Xavier yelled
"I-Im so s-sorry sir"the citizen said
New Rules For Adventure Bay
Every morning the citizens wake up at exactly 6 am sharp and that they report to their jobs.
At 7:00 they eat and take a 12 minute break
And If anyone is caught escaping or breaking the rules they will have a punishment.
Xavier,The New Ruler Of Adventure Bay!!!!!
"Now for your punishment! You will be executed!" Xavier smirked
"N-No please! I have a wife and 3 kids please don't, I'll do anything!" The citizen pleased
"Sorry rules are rules!" Xavier sneered as he called for The Excecuter. The citizen was dragged away and Xavier sat down on his seat and called Justice
"Hello Sir what do you need?" Justice asked
"Justice, how are things at the Lookout" Xavier said
"Fine sir and Jayce found where they lived" Justice said
"Really! Where?!" Xavier said
"They live in a little town outside of Rosendelle" Justice said
"Perfect, Now that we know the Paw Patrol and the Former ones are there we attack, Pack my things and ready the truck we leave first thing in the morning" Xavier said
"Right on it sir" Justice said and logged out
"Those fools won't know what hit em" Xavier said in his mind and went to his room to pack.

Part 2 coming

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