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2 months ago and 1 week after Robert left the stormlands
King’s landing 280 AC, Small council chamber

Aerys Targaryen, so Robert as left the stormlands. yes your Grace he left behind a large host of 9,000 with his brother Stannis Baratheon to deal with loyalists forces says lord varys.

We have also been receiving raven after raven from c and other loyalists' lords requesting for help says the new unofficial Grand maester.

How many men do we have in King’s landing I ask.

we have 13,000 men from the crownlands with 25 warships

From the Riverlands, we have 1,000 men from House Darry, 1,550
from House whent and about 3,243 men from the smaller houses
that raised their banners for the king, all together that is 5,793 from the Riverlands.

From the stormlands, we have 500 men from house selmy 3,260
men from houses closest to the crownlands and 1,100 men and 3
warships from my own house, Jon Connington says proudly.

Houses like Grandison were for obvious reasons unable to send men jon says.

Lord Hand news from Dorne I ask Lord Owen Merryweather.

Yes, your Grace Prince Doran Martell has replied agreeing to send, the 15,000 you requested but saying it would take time for the men to arrive.

Very well then I say how many men have been raised from kings landing I ask.

Ser Alliser Thorne the new commander of the gold cloaks sits up. "Your Grace since the past 2 months I have been, commander of the gold cloaks, the number of men the city watch as more than
doubled from 5,000 thousand men to 12,000 thousand with more
joining every day this has been helped by the Increase pay which
has increased the men morale and loyalty to House Targaryen.

Although the city watch still face many problems the biggest one
being that there are not enough weapons with only half the city
watch being decently armed it because of this I like to request more time to armed the rest the men.

enough I said.

Ser Alliser Thorne will stay behind to raise more men.

Lord Owen Merryweather with Jon Connington will take the
majority of the men about 18,000 to deal with Stannis Baratheon.

Whill I will take the majority of the cavalry 5,000 and go after Robert. Whill the rest of the men will stay to protect the capital and send men where needed.

Ser Barristan Selmy, Ser Jaime Lannister, and Prince Lewyn Martell will go with me.

Whill Ser Jonothor Darry and most of my household knights about
500 will go to Dragonstone with the queen, my son, princess Elia and her kids.

Your Grace what of me say Ser Gerold Hightower. I have something for you we will talk about it after.

Lord velaryon you will take most of the Royal Navy to raid the northern coast.
This will hopefully keep the north from committing their full strength to the Rebels.
IT will be done, your Grace say velaryon

lord varys I want you to spread the word that I will personally be
leading an attack on the stormlands yes my king he says.

Now everyone but Ser Gerold Hightower goes I said.

Once everyone left. 'I got up, walked over to him, gave him a letter, and told Ser Gerold Hightower you are to the Tower of Joy in Dorne where you will find my son. When you see the Prince you are to give him this letter and I mean no one but my son is that understood yes my king it is said, Ser Gerold. Good, I will have 100 knight's that I hand-pick to follow you.

a month later and one month before the battle of longtable
Tower of Joy

rhaegar Targaryen read the letter Ser Gerold Hightower gave him from his father over and over again he looked over at the many knights’ Ser Gerold came with and he knew he could not disobey.

He would go to King’s Landing and as he was told he wolud sends his love to Dragonstone like was told for he knew he had to.

2 weeks before the battle of Longtable


Stannis Baratheon after Robert left him with the tax to liberate the rest of the Stormlands from the hands of lords loyal to the mad king.
Realizing that it would only be a matter of time before the mad king would attempt to retake the stormlands, Stannis went about making preparations he did this by subduing the houses that had declared their support for the mad king and trying to increase the number of his army by any means necessary be it having old men and boy to young for war or forcing farmers to join his army he did it all.

Stannis knew he risked a famine by doing all of this but felt he had no choice the only area that was not drained of manpower was the border area of Dorne we're he sent a few hundred reinforcements as he feared what the dornish might do.

By the time he was done his army had increased from 9,000 to 14,000, it was with this army that he used to subdue houses loyal to house Targaryen first he went after house Connington but he found they had abandoned their Castle with most of their men to join up with the Targaryen he found the same thing with most houses he went after.

The one who had not fled to join up with Targaryen immediately surrender upon seeing his army this went on until he came upon Lord Grandison who refused to surrender.
So Stannis set up a siege it was not a week in when one of the guardsmen offers to let him the castle in for some gold Stannis accepted the offer and in no time he had Lord Grandison and his family on their knees they beg for mercy but Stannis give them none. He had the men put to the sword while the women sent off to the silent sisters.

The Royal Army is so small because winter just ended and planting season just started so sl can not call upon the full force of his armies.

Dorne is taking their time sending men

Rhaegar could not refuse the king because so many knights’ were sent with Ser Gerold to make sure he obeyed.

Stannis risks having a famine because he called up so many farmers when the planting season just started.

King Aerys Targaryen Sl  Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang