chapter 2

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Rhaella Targaryen, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms

Walking into Aerys' chambers, Rhaella couldn't help but think of all that had happened to her in this room, all the abuse, humiliations, violations...

She steadied her nerves, pushing those thoughts aside. She was a Queen, and she had a kingdom to protect.

Back straight, shoulders squared, eyes forward. You are a dragon.

Her mother's mantra filled her mind, giving her the strength she needed. Owen stepped from behind her, addressing the guards.

"That'll be enough men, let's give Her Grace some privacy," he spoke solemnly. One of the guards gave him a look but they all obeyed, filing out of the room, and then he left himself, leaving her with her husband, her brother.

Queen Rhaella drew the blade from her sleeve. It was an ugly thing, she thought, crude and unadorned, an instrument of death, nothing more, taken from one of her loyal guards. Approaching the bed, she raised the dagger...

Goodbye husband.

...and he awoke, snapping his eyes open and dragging a raspy breath from his lungs. He just stared at her, only briefly glancing at the blade, Rhealla returned the stare, shocked.

She'd never seen such kindness in his eyes since they were little.

"Do it." He said gently, not a command, a request. "I deserve it." and then he closed his eyes. Accepting her judgment, his fate.

Rhaella dropped the knife and wept.

I like to thx Wulf47 for helping me write these chapters

King Aerys Targaryen Sl  Where stories live. Discover now