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Robert Baratheon reorganizes his line to face Randyll Tarly. After assessing the situation and being unwilling to risk his army Randyll Tarly decides to pull back for the day and
make camp.

After all, he did not have to defeat Robert but delay him long enough for either Mace Tyrell to finish gathering an army or for reinforcements from the crownlands to arrive but considering how long it was taking mace Tyrell to gather said army reinforcement was more likely to come to form the crownlands.

But Robert knew the risk but he was not worried has got assurance from a source of his that Mace Tyrell was in no hurry to help lord Tarly, and with news that the king himself was with an Army of 30,000 moving into the stormlands.

Robert felt he had the time to defeat Randyll Tarly moved into the Riverlands, join up with his allies where together they could then march into the stormlands and then hopefully defeat the mad king and it was with that plan in mind.

That Robert and Randyll had a rematch

On the first day of the rematch, nothing much happened Randyll Tarly was unwilling to move from his well-defended position, and attack a larger Army the same thing have with Robert who still had hundreds of injured men and also did not want to attack a well-defended position.

The same thing happened on the 2,3,4,5 and 6 days.

when on the 7 days Randyll Tarly all of a sudden marched out of his camp. Robert with most of his injured men having recovered and unwilling to seem like a coward and just the fact that he was bored of doing nothing and so also Robert moved out of his camp.

Robert put his cavalry in the center and put his infantry in the flanks

Randyll had his smaller cavalry on the left flank, infantry in the center, and archers on the right.

The battle began when Robbert superior cavalry smashed into the center of Randyll Tarly infantry pushing back his men thing only got wost when Randyll archers and cavalry were routed by Robert infantry and so Randyll Tarly infantry was surrounded it looked like it was only a matter of time before Randyll Tarly lost when all of a sudden thousands of cavalrymen appeared behind Robbert army and attacked, it was a trap Robbert realized too late.

2 months ago and 1 week after Robert left the stormlands

Aerys Targaryen

King Aerys Targaryen Sl  Where stories live. Discover now