War of the exes

Depuis le début

"You bitch", nate yelled, and Callie just rose her eyebrow at him, "sorry", he said and looked down knowing he had messed with the wrong girl.

"Let me tell you a story about parker here", Callie said as she stood on a large rock.

"He came to my mothers House and befrinded them, then we came Home, moms left and the he threatend to kill all of us", Callie said as she jumped down from said rock and walked closer to us "Jesus still want revenge you know", Callie said.

"The dumb looking one, yeah I know", I said and walked over to my 'crew'.

Maddy looked at us and realised something "you're a southside seprent?", she asked.

"Well im more of an part-time member", I said and they all looked at the three on the otherside.

"You know Peter, my sister has a broken nose because of you", Callie said and shook her head at me.

"Well I didnt hit her, she hit her self, when I threw her hand at her face", I said.

"Huh, so you're a girl beater then bitch", Nate yelled, but let Out a pained groan when I punched him in the face again.

"Be quite when the adults talk", I said and he just flipped me of, so Aella did the only right thing and twisted that finger until a pop was heard and a pained yell, okay that was actually really nasty.

"Ewwww, put it back in place", Toni said from behind us.

"Hey Toni", I said, "how much did you see?", I asked, she walked up beside me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Everything, seems like you deserved a kiss for it", she said and gave me a wink oh oh, Ronnie is so going to castrate me.

"Well look who it is my ex", Maddy said and looked between the two of us, "huh, are you going to be dating someone new after this", Maddy said as she gestured towards her own body.

"Walk away Maddy, while the three of you can", Toni said.

"Three?", Callie said, she looked around "I Think you mean five against seven", Callie finished with a smirk as her family walked out.

"And I should be affraid why?", sweetpea said with a smirk.

"Well I would have to say I will gut you", Mariana said as she just glared at me, and pointed her inden finger at me "and you I will kill you for what you did to my nose", she finished.

"You want another nose job?", Toni yelled.

Callie whsipered to jesus "wanna earn your spot back?"

"Fuck yeah", "then piss parker off", she said.

"Hey Parker, remember me?", jesus said and looked at me.

"Ofcourse I do, dumb and brawny", I said and manged to piss him off.

"Jesus dont", callie yelled.

"You know im looking forward to killing that aunt of yours", he yelled and before he knew it he was lifted of the ground by the neck.

"Funny", I said and looked at callie, "you should really teach this punk some manners, maybe I should do it for you", I said and pulled him closer, "Come after my aunt in any way and you moms will have to visit you in the morgue, and trust me 'dude' they would never recognize you", I said and send a punch for his face "oh man not again", he said and closed his eyes and was knocked Out again.

"Brandon, Jude, Pick the idiot up, we have to go", Callie said, as the two picked him up, and they were Quick to run away.

"So Parker, what should we do with these two?", Sweetpea said and gestured towards the Nate and Maddy.

"No idea, ask the exes", I said and gestured towards Toni and Aella.

"Lets beat them up for all the shit they have put us through", Toni said and Aella nodded.

"Well im out, see you guys around", I said and waved, they all turned towards me, said their byes and turned towards Maddy and Nate, "anyway we can talk about this?", Nate said and everyone shook their heads at them "thought so, can you please leave the face alone?", Nate asked and soon only their pained screams were heard, and thus the war of the exes had ended, what the hell do I know maybe the war has just begun, afterall in love and war everything is allowed


I knocked on the door and Veronica opened the door, "where the hell have you.... What the fuck!, what the fuck happend to you Peter?", Ronnie asked as she examend my face.

"Looked for Jughead, ran into some gang members", I said and looked her in the eyes.

"Those freaking serpents", she said as she grabbed the first aid and rubbed my bruises.

"Not them some other gang", I said and looked at her, "okay ow, stop touching it", I finished.

"You know for a superhero you're really a Big baby", Ronnie said with a laugh.

"Hey am not", I said, I stood up and picked her up, "thanks for everything", I said and gave her a kiss.

"Lets go to my room then", she said with a smirk

Sunnyside trailerpark (unknown pov):

"Yes, the device seemed to work, it looked like it blocked his senses", I said into the phone.

"That's good, im looking forward to getting my revenge on him", my partner on the otherside of the phone said.

"Yes we will have Our revenge", I said and I hung up the phone.

Peter Parker you will not know when or how I will hit you but you will pay, spider-man i'm coming for you

As always let me know what you thought of the chapter, and as always have an amazing day/night

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